Part Thirty One

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Lúthien, like many others that day had scarified themselves for the sake of Middle Earth so that the rest of the world could live in peace.

When Thranduil went back to find her body, all that was left of her was the shimmering ring he had proposed to her with. It was intact, still hooked onto the chain she had put around her neck. Even though he was broken hearted, Lúthien still lived on in his memory.

They rebuilt the palace and in the courtyard Thranduil had a statue built in her honor. It was her, wielding her formidable weapon and her wings spread wide. Not many had the opportunity to witness their beauty but it didn't matter. The magical girl with dragon blood who had saved this Kingdom from impending doom.

As for Abraxsis, well he became the protector of the Woodland Realm and remained as a royal household member to be the King's advisor.

Everyday Thranduil would take a walk in the courtyard to be with the love of his life. It just so happened that on this particular day, the young boy who he rescued all those years ago was with him.

"Who's that Ada?" The boy asked

"Well Legolas, her name was Lúthien and she had been my dearest friend and lover. I was going to marry her..." Legolas frowned

"And why didn't you Ada?"

"Unfortunately son, she passed away."


"Maybe I'll tell you the whole story when you're old enough, but for now I'll tell you a shortened version....Many years ago this entire world was under attack. Lúthien had magical abilities and dragon blood coursed through her veins, this was the reason she had wings you see. She had saved this Kingdom by giving her life so that others like you and me could live. I loved her very much, and her absence leaves a gaping hole in my heart."

"Woah...she sounded like a very brave lady."

"Yes son, she was."


Welp🤷🏽‍♀️ that's it I guess. I wanna thank everyone who took the time to read this story and comment and vote. Those of you who commented and voted really gave me the motivation to write even through my writing blocks. But unfortunately after exactly one year this story has come to an end. You guys are awesome and I hope you continue to read other people's stories and leave comments and votes. It really means a lot.  Thank you so much again!!!❤️❤️❤️ -E

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