Part Sixteen

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"I ripped it straight from her wretched neck."

"I....I don't know what to say."

"It's rightfully  yours, take it." Lúthien slowly stepped back

"I don't think I can."

"And why's that?"

"You risked your life...for them? Abraxsis are you insane!?"

"I thought that you'd be glad to have them back."

"I do not know how to feel right now, all I can think about is how you almost died getting these."

"I assumed that if you had your stolen memories back, you'd finally be free."

"I don't care about that, I care that you made that choice!"

"Did you not make the very same choice beneath that mountain?"

"That wasn't the same-" she tried to deny

"Weren't you the one who freed my brothers and sisters?"

"Abraxsis-" the traumatizing memories began pounding from within her mind

"Didn't you risk your own life so that we could all be saved!?"


"Didn't you? What happened to that her? The brave girl who confronted me despite my beastly appearance? Who sympathized my condition enough to heal me completely? Where did she go?"

"I don't-"

"There are people here who care about you Lúthien, you cannot just push them aside! They need you!" Without another thought, she strode up to Abraxsis and pushed him over the railing, only to catch him by his foot.

"That girl." She paused to keep her tears from falling "Died a horrible death beneath that mountain."

Lúthien immediately hauled him back over to the safe side of the railing. She let go of his foot, leaving him dumbfounded on her balcony. And she didn't take the amulet, it was still in Abraxsis's hand when she left her chambers. He wouldn't bother trying to convince Lúthien so he placed it on her nightstand before attempting to follow her.

There wasn't a single fiber in her body that wasn't ready to take that pendant and throw it away. Those memories of hers had been stolen and Lúthien wasn't sure how to feel about it. She was content with the life she had outside the walls of this kingdom. But what she wasn't aware of was the love she had for her King.

Lúthien, on the verge of spilling her furious tears began sprinting down the corridors, hoping to lose Abraxsis. She knew he'd follow her eventually, hence the swift running. The fact that he almost died to get her measly memories made her tremble with anger.

Thranduil had just been leaving a council meeting when he heard the echoing footsteps of someone running about the halls. His ears pricked slightly to the sound as it rang faintly at the opposite end of the corridor. As he turned his head to look, he saw Lúthien hurry past. As soon as she was out of sight The King shifted toward Elros who was by his side. They both glanced at each other, silently agreeing to go after her.

When they reached the end of the hallway, Abraxsis followed from the right, The King deliberately stepped in his path.

"Abraxsis, is it not?"

"It is, you'll have to excuse me." He said trying to step around the King

"Not so fast breather of fire." Thranduil said yet again, blocking his way

"You're going to tell me what has happened with Lúthien."

"I wouldn't have thought that you were one to care for her wellbeing." He retorted, the King's blood simmered in his veins

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