Ch. 13 True Test of Friendship

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Ray was alone with Doug as he put the finishing touches on her armpits and top of her chest.

"As soon as that starts working, I'll let you do the rest, all right, hon?" Doug said.

She tilted her head at him, hair brushing her leg and stinging where she was bright red. "Did I do it right? I didn't push you before you were ready?"

"No. You did exactly how I asked. I needed someone to open the conversation for me and you did. I couldn't walk downstairs while all the guys were watching football and yelling at the screen and casually mention I had I laundry dibs that night and oh, by the way, I'm gay, can someone pass the pizza?"

"You could have." She touched her forehead to his. "But they wouldn't have noticed. Cis dudes' neurons fizzle and short-circuit when sports are anywhere in the vicinity."

"Truth, sister. The absolute truth. Do you feel better yet?"

Lowering her arms, she tested the cream's power. "A little. I'd better get my legs and chest. I'm kind of nauseous, too."

Travis knocked and peeked in. "Your grilled cheese is ready and I found a packet of dried noodle soup. It said add hot water, so I fixed that for you, too. Are you coming down?"

"No, I'm super tired. I shouldn't eat in my room, what with the Vinny the Cockroach just waiting for spare crumbs, but I'm half dead."

"That's ok, I have a tray. I eat in bed all the time. I can come get the dishes when you are done," Travis offered. He disappeared before she could say thanks.

"I suspect that boy has a crush on you," Doug said. He stood up to wash his hands and then helped Ray stand.

She groaned as her body straightened. "Travis? No. He's a sweet-heart, that's all. We're family here."

"Really? Speaking of family, did you see Lokela? He seemed upset. Any idea what was going on with him?"

"Upset? No, I didn't notice. All I can concentrate on right now is my skin that feels freshly barbequed. What kind of upset?"

"It was strange. Like he was mad, but not his usual dark, brooding, malevolent stare." Doug grimaced. "Like that."

"Well, he is usually upset about something, but I don't know what it was this time. I'll ask the next time I see him. Thank you, Doug. You saved me with this." She waved the tube of cream and hobbled from the bathroom towards her room. Sliding gingerly between the sheets that rubbed her sore skin like sandpaper, she closed her eyes. And her body remembered bobbing gently on the waves.

"Ray," a voice cut through the thick fog of sleep. "Heya, Ray."

"Whthe wha?" Ray asked. Whoa, I am sleeping again? I keep falling asleep today. I bet myself ten bucks I spend all night filming myself dancing in different colored saris. The sheets were tangled up, and she was slick with sweat, but at least it didn't feel like her skin was being scraped from her muscle with hot pumice stones. "Who is the?"

"Raaaaay. It's Naia. My god, what did you do to yourself? Sit up and drink this. Now."

"I fell asleep."

"No, I meant to your arms and chest. Dang, girl. You know the sun is dangerous here, right?"

"I fell asleep. I was on the beach and I was tired because of the surfing. Lokela can go for hours. He's like Pele's chosen one. The godling of the waves. The hero of the waxed surf-board. The rippled-abs demigod of the volcano islands."

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