Ch. 22 Status...Not Quite Clear

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Ray didn't quite know what she was doing, but kissing Lokela was the best thing in the world. She parted her lips for him, accidently stumbling in place. He was too tall. She ran her fingers into his hair to draw him downwards while he supported her weight.

Then he moved sideways to hold her better, but wound up knocking off several bottles of spray, deodorant and toothpaste off the sink counter. It was much too small in there.

"Bedroom," she breathed.

He picked her up around the waist and they maneuvered out the door, across the hall and into her room.

She fell backwards on the bed, pulling him down on top of her. His weight was delicious. His hands were braced on the bed at either side of her face to not squish her, but the rough rub of his shorts through the towel was doing things to her. She was hot and wet in unusual places all of a sudden. Her Mary Jane was absolutely disturbed and confused by what was happening with Lokela.

And despite the confusion, she found her hips were rotating into his. Worse, her hands were sliding up his shirt onto his bare skin. His stomach and back were silky and warm. She wanted to lick him. Was this what she was supposed to have felt with Zach, when he did those same things to her?


Lokela sucked in his breath at her touch, every muscle in his arms popping, and all she knew was that he was on her. She shivered, wriggling under him. Suddenly torn between wanting to pull off the towel which wasn't covering much of her body and being afraid of what would happen if she did, she froze.

"Wait," she said.

He stopped mid-kiss to look at her.


"I can't. I don't what I'm doing, or how I feel, or who I'm dating right now."

Lokela was off the bed in a flash. He even arranged her towel lower on her hips as she held it in place at her chest. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. What must he think of her? Leading him on like that when she was supposedly dating his best friend?

"My fault," he said in a rush. "I came on way too strong there, I'm not sure what was going on in my head. I'm really sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," she said. "I shouldn't have started it. I started it, right?"

"No clue. But I was going way too fast."

"And I might be dating Zach, or I might not.I So this was all wrong," she said.

He nodded vigorously in agreement. "No, I was wrong. My bad, completely."

She stood up gingerly to not flash her Mary Jane for the second time that same morning.

Naia burst into her room with a loud bang, smoothies in hand. "Hey, sweets, I didn't know if you wanted extra banana or—oh, shit, I'm totally interrupting. Here's my ass getting out of your room. Bye!"

As fast as she had appeared, Naia disappeared, leaving Lokela and Ray blinking at each other in confusion.

"I should go," Lokela said.

At the same time, Ray announced, "I should get some clothes on."

"Right," they both said.

"See you later, all right?" Ray asked. She motioned to the door. "How about we pretend this didn't happen?"

She had a vague feeling that people could pretend they hadn't kissed and everything would go back the way it was before. That was a thing, right? Whatever. "I really have to figure things out with Zach, plus you and I had just decided to be friends. This muddles everything we've achieved so far. Right? We'll say this never happened."

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