Ch. 17 From Under Her Window

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Around her, the guys started shouting—some at Felipe about the renovations, some at her about guys and sex, and finally Lokela showed up to yell for everyone to be quiet.

Felipe cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to hit you with this. But the owners just sent me the letter. Don't hate me, I'm just the messenger, by the way."

"We know that," Casey said. "Legally, I'm pretty sure they are in the wrong. I can ask around. I've got some friends in pre-law."

"It's complete BS, you don't need to be in pre-law to know that," Lokela snapped.

"As I was saying," Ray said, loud enough it would be difficult to talk over her. "What kind of renovations are we talking about? Because we should do them ourselves, thereby sparing ourselves the worry of having to move or get the rent raised on us."

"I'm not shelling out for a new kitchen. Not a chance," Trevor said. He shifted to lean against the wall, accidently bumping Ray.

Lokela was glaring at him. Ray narrowed her eyes as him, mimicking his suspicious expression until he noticed her, and dropped his gaze.

"Let's stay calm. Give me the letter and I'll look into it," Casey said. He snapped for it.

Felipe frowned at him in confusion. "I think I left it in my room."

"Then let's go get it. Everyone can go back to their rooms. We'll have a meeting asap. But later." He led Felipe down the stairs.

Doug let out a big sigh. "Ray, you said something earlier. Maybe we can talk in my room?"

"Good idea," she said.

"Whoa, hold up," Travis said. "Is this about guy's brains and sex? Because you might need more than one opinion."

"I agree," Hugh said. "Did you get another poem?"

"It was a letter actually," she said. She dug it out of her bag and was handing it to him to read when Lokela snatched it from her hand.

"Isn't this kind of private?" he asked. "You can't just hand it around to whoever asks."

"It' letter." She poked the paper. "My name is at the top."

"Ray, we talked," he hissed under his breath. "I thought we agreed. You don't do anything—anything at all, for a very long time, because you really need to be sure about a big step like this."

"A big step like guys and sex?" Trevor asked. He crossed his bulky arms, his usually care-free expression becoming confused. Suddenly, he glanced at Ray in alarm.

She held up her hands. "It's not what you think."

"But it kind of is, isn't it?" Doug asked. He seemed to have figured out she might have sex with Zach.

Ray's stomach dropped. So much for a healing heart-to-heart with someone she could reveal her fears to. She fumed, glaring at Lokela.

"That's enough, get in my room," Doug said. He held the door for her.

Lokela braced his arm on the frame to block her way. "Wait, Ray, let's talk about this. I know Zach better than anyone."

Was he angry or scared? She couldn't tell anymore. She was exhausted. It was her own fault for blurting it out in front of everyone, but seriously, her brain was not functioning like it should.

"Lokela, I'm not doing anything tonight," she said. "In fact, I just need to go to bed."

"But you can't bring up a problem about guys and sex and then not talk to us about it," Trevor said. The other guys rolled their eyes and scoffed.

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