Beast two

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Jimin was outside of Mr. Min's mansion with his suitcase in his hands and mouth hung open. Their house was just unbelievable! It was like a palace from a Disney princess movie! He couldn't express a few words just to describe it.

"Alright Jimin, I'm gonna introduce you to a few people you'll be working with on the house."

Jimin quietly followed Mr. Min inside the house like a dog who forgot to bark. Two people were standing on the hallway, both on the same uniform. "This is Seokjin, our chef and Nabi, a house helper."

"Nice to meet you!" The young boy bowed down at the two who smiled at him.

"Welcome! I assume you're the personal assistant of the young master that Mr. Min spoke of?" Seokjin flashed him a wide grin.

"Yes, I am."

"Well I give you all my good luck, you're about to witness the beast." Nabi laughed teasingly with Seokjin following suit.

"Don't scare him guys, it's just his first day." Mr. Min muttered, patting the boy's shoulder. "Alright, back to your work. You wouldn't want to be shouted at again, right?"

"No sir!"

"Nabi, I need you to show Jimin his room."

"Okie dokie!" The girl chirped and motioned Jimin to follow her. They marched their way upstairs as he admired the beautiful interior of the house. It was dazzling!

"So have you been here long?" The male asks, wanting to cut the awkward air around them.

"Not much. Been here for five months. It's a working progress, I've only got yelled by him once but trust me, I don't want to repeat that scene ever again." Nabi muttered and stopped at the first room on the left, opening the door with a key. "This will be your room from now on. Mine's and Jin's are just next door so feel free to come whenever."

"Thanks Nabi!" Jimin grinned as the girl handed him the key of the room.

"Though, I should warn you. Don't go to the room at the far left. It's the beast's room so better stay out of it." The female whispered, pointing at the said door.

"But I'm supposed to be his PA, aren't I obliged to go there and check on him?"

"Oh right. Well, I should give you a lot of my prayers too then, good luck won't be able to help you that much." She chuckled before patting the taller males shoulder and left him by his doorstep.

Jimin sighed but then a smile appeared on his face, "You can do this Jimin! It's just a boy, how hard can it be? I ain't backing out because of this beast guy. And this is my first decent job with a great pay! I should be proud of myself!"

He patted his own shoulder and nodded his head, "I'm proud of you self, stay awesome."


Jimin was woken up from a loud banging downstairs, when he checked his watch it was still around midnight. He stood up frightened, thinking it was a robber or a ghost. He slowly marched down the stairs and grabbed the nearest thing around to protect himself.

'Damn, a feather duster. Great! I'm gonna clean the shit out of this thief!' He rolled his eyes. Just when he was about to grab another weapon, he heard incoherent sounds coming from the kitchen.

He leaned his back on the wall preparing for the worst, taking a deep breath while holding on the feather duster's handle tightly like his life depended on it, although in this case it really was. "If I don't make it out of alive, I just want to say that I hope I don't see my evil aunt in the afterlife. Here goes—!"

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