Beast four

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"What do you mean I'm not studying at this school anymore?! What do you mean I'm transferring schools?! What do you mean I've been transferred by a st—"

"Mr. Park, if you would just listen for a second and not blabber your mouth continuously like machine gun." The admin from the office said at the other side of the glassed barrier. "Someone by the name of Lee Dowon, handed paperworks about your transfer so your stay here is already invalid."

"B-But, I don't know a flippin' thing about that Lee Dowon guy!" Jimin gasped. "What if he's gonna sell me and my organs?! What if he's a member of a bad secret organization and I'm the target but it's okay because I'm the protagonist and we all know protagonists doesn't die and this handsome skillful agent will save me and we'll unexpectedly fall in love with each other and—"

"Mr. Park!" The lady shouted, finally grabbing his attention. She sighed heavily, "Mr. Lee is a lawyer and the business he had here was strictly professional."

Jimin looks down in confusion. "I don't get it. Why would I be transferring to another school if couldn't even pay my tuition here? Does my evil aunt know this?" He anxiously asked, not bothering to feel sorry at what he just called his aunt out loud.

"Yes, your aunt does know this and she accepted the terms. Your payment to this school shouldn't be a problem because it was already been solved." The lady said. "Starting today, Mr. Park Jimin, you are no longer a part of this school. Good day,"

"But what am I supposed to do now? I don't know where I am transferring to... If my evil aunt agreed to this, the school's probably a dirty and grotesque place!" Jimin whined but the lady at the counter paid no mind to him.

"Your ride is waiting for you outside. I already gave all of your requirements to transfer to Atty. Lee so you don't need to worry."

Jimin bowed slightly to the lady with a heavy heart. He studied in this school for three years and he has grown to love it, the noisy students and the unbearable teachers, everything. Maybe it was really the time to move on and have a new beginning. "Thank you for everything."

He took every step out of the building with full anxiety. He didn't know what his future holds, he may end up exactly as his crazy assumption. A short distance away, he saw a black shiny car which made him even more nervous. Passersby were eyeing the luxurious car in front of them creating a small ruckus.

He stood right outside of the car door and gulped, lifting his fist to knock on the glass lightly. He didn't want to create a scratch on that gorgeous car! Just looking at it was intimidating! If he did then he would have to pay for it which he doesn't have.

The window scrolled down to reveal a very nice-looking man, "Ah, Mr. Park. A pleasure to meet you, please enter the car and we'll arrive shortly at our destination."

Jimin examined the intently and made the conclusion that he looked like a nice person and someone he can trust his life to. He hopes his gut feeling won't fail him this time. He hoped on the car silently beside the suited man and decided not to open his blabber mouth this time.


It turns out that his gut feeling was right for once. They halted at a familiar towering building where he first met the nicest person alive, Mr. Min. The suited guy, which he assumed to be Atty. Lee, lead them up to his office and before another stupid phrase comes out of his mouth, they thankfully reached the top floor.

Mr. Min was sitting on his swivel chair behind his glass desk, a soft tune coming out of a record player. He smiled as soon as he saw Jimin and motioned the two to enter and sit at the chairs parallel to him. "Jimin-ah, you must be confused right now."

"Well to be quite frank with you sir, yes I absolutely am."

Mr. Min cleared his throat. "You see Jimin, I've been thinking last night. Since you're my son's personal assistant now, I've come to a conclusion to transfer you into his school! Isn't that exciting?"


"—Uh e-excuse me?"

"Wow, you're taking the news well. I thought for sure you were gonna burst out." Mr. Min chuckled.

NO WAY! Him and the beast on the same school?! He can barely cope with him during the afternoon!

"I'm really grateful that you bothered to transfer me to a new school with all expenses paid just because I work for your son, sir. But is it really necessary?" Jimin anxiously bit his lip because the idea itself was scary.

The man laughed like it was an obvious answer. "Of course! I can't bare the thought of you going to that horrible local school! I'm sure they don't teach you well enough," (No offense to people who's studying at a local school, I, myself am studying there)

"I-I think it was just fine though... You really have done enough."

"Nonsense! This is for the benefit of your job to make it easier! You know how my son is, he was born hot tempered. It's a real mystery really." Mr. Min muttered to himself and went back to smile at Jimin.

"S-Sir, I really can't thank you enough for being such a nice person to me but I-I don't think I'll survive with your son for much longer—"

"I'll double– no triple your payment."

Jimin blinked rapidly. T-Triple?! How many zeroes are added to his salary with that?! Holy shit! He stinks at math but that is a really big number! "Uhm, when do I start studying in that school?"

The man smiled widely. "Atty. Lee, if you may." Mr. Min said and the latter obliged by handing a brown paper bag to Jimin. Jimin took it warily. "What is this sir?"

"It's your new uniform! You'll start tomorrow!"

"B-but! I never got to say goodbye to my friends..." Jimin muttered, slowly bowing his head.

"Oh pish posh! You and your buddies will get together some time, but for now, you better show off that cute smile of yours to earn new friends at your new school!" The older waved his hands in carefree. "I'm sure with that attitude of yours and with that cute face, you'll be gaining a lot of friends no problem."

Jimin averted his gaze and bit his lip. He didn't know what to react, he was for sure not approved to the idea of him and the beast in one school. But Mr. Min is really really kind and he's making it hard for him not to agree. He gave him a decent job, paid his debt from his past school's and now he's transferring to a new school which he'll expect to be grand and fancy! Heck he even tripled his salary!

"Thank you for this wonderful opportunity sir, I will forever be grateful." Jimin bowed down half-heartedly. He'll forever be regretful, may he correct himself.

"I trust you Jimin-ah! I know you won't let me down." Mr. Min clasped his hands happily and grinned at the younger boy. "For now, Atty. Lee will accompany you on your new school and take your time to look around while he finishes up the rest of your requirements! Sounds good?"

"Huh? Yeah...!"

"Very enthusiastic! Alright, on you go! Have fun!"

I'm running out of ideas of this book, please help me ㅠㅠ Comment down cute-hate moments that you wish to be added in here. And don't forget to vote and follow me okay bai~

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