Beast eighteen

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"Are the chairs and tables set?"

"Yes sir!" Nabi saluted with a clipboard on her right arm.

"What about the presentation? Is it all done? I swear to god if you fail to play the video I'll—"

"Yoongi chill! We still have a few hours left!" She laughed while patting the older's shoulder.

Yoongi chewed on his lower lips in anxiety. "I can't chill! It's been the first time in years since I last did something like this for someone. I'm afraid I'm gonna mess up!"

"Dude, seriously. If Jimin likes you, he'll appreciate every single thing you do for him. Even if it's all a wreck. But if he doesn't, well tough luck's on you pal."

"Tch whatever dwarf. Now go get those bouquet of flowers I ordered — and make sure they put his favorite!"

"You're the boss!"

"Hyung! Taehyung and Hoseok hyung are having a hard time distracting him! He said he wants to come back here and rest for the day!" Jungkook run up to him with a haste expression, his phone held up to his ear.

"Tell them to go eat or something! He shouldn't come back here until later!"

"Right!" And Jungkook ambled off still talking to the other male on his device.

Yoongi saw his friend sprinting across the garden, he shouted to gain his attention. "Joon! Check how's Jin doing with the cake!" The latter responded with an 'okay' sign before continuing to head inside.

This was it! The day he was gonna confess to Jimin what he feels! And he hopes he would say yes, Jimin was the only person who managed to melt the beastness inside of him. They've been preparing this for the whole week and if this goes exactly as he planned, then Jimin would definitely be his boyfriend! Well, that is if he has the same feelings as he does.

Yoongi finally made it! He's gonna show Jimin how much he likes him! He'll just have to wait for the finale of the show!


Jimin groaned feeling his legs and feet aching and all sore from walking for four hours. They were in the mall walking around in circles like abducted pets in their prison cage. Hoseok and Taehyung had been going on to these random shits for some reason. They went shopping, played in the arcade, heck they even ate twice! He had fun doing so but he thinks it was time to go home for the day.

"U-Uh, we haven't played bowling yet! R-Right Tae? We should go!"

"Great idea!"

Jimin huffed, stopping on his tracks while the two of them nudged on both of his arms to walk. "Guys, I'm so tired that I can't even lift a bowling ball once. I'm sorry but I'm really goi—"

"No wait!" The two said in unison.

What's up with the two of them today? Jimin mentally asks himself looking weirdly at the duo.

"Be-cause we haven't watched at the cinema yet!"

"Yeah! I heard they're showing really great movies today!" Hoseok grinned.

Jimin hesitantly thought about for a while. Watching a movie wouldn't be too bad besides, he'll just sit and watch right? He lifted up an eye brow skeptically. "Your treat?"

Beast of me | YoonminΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα