Beast nine

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"Be careful Jimin okay? We don't want to see your carcass when you return." Jin spoke once again. They were at the Min's doorstep, he was bidding the younger goodbye and was reminding him to wear his seatbelt. It was taking more time than it really should.

"Yes hyung. Now can I please go? Jungkook has been waiting for minutes," Jimin pointed at the black car outside the gate.

"Yeah yea— If that Jungkook kid tries to do something, there's a taser in your bag. My handy work, you're welcome."

"What?! That's completely unnecessary! Jungkook is a nice person! If anyone's doing evil things, that would be your beast boss." Jimin snarled while crossing his arms.

"Our beast boss. And we might never know! It's better safe than sorry!"

"Ugh fine. Speaking of which, the beast doesn't know about this right? You're not gonna tell him anything right?" He hopefully pleaded at the older male who patted his head assuringly.

"I've got your back munchkin, I'll cover up for you. Besides, Yoongi got out early today, don't know why. Just come back home early and be safe."

"I will, see you hyung! And thanks again!" Jimin waved goodbye and ran to Jungkook's parked car outside. He got in the car while greeting the younger and buckled up his seatbelt like he promised to do. "Now let's head to Busan!"


So far, Jimin was having a splendid time with Jungkook during the travel. It's only been hours but they were both enjoying each other's company. They sang together with some random tunes, blasting their heart out. They would casually play a game of 'would you rather...' or just a plain ol' guessing game along the way too.

Now they were at a gasoline station for a stop over and have a pee break. Jungkook had to go to the bathroom while Jimin went to the store to buy a few snacks and drinks for the rest of the ride. Jimin took a lot more time than he needed, stupid Pringles were up at the highest shelf and he was too shy to ask for help because a twenty-four year-old man like himself can't reach it. He ended up getting it after series amounts of failed attempts in over ten minutes.

He figured Jungkook might be waiting for too long in the car so he ran toward the counter, not seeing the sign 'caution wet floor' at the side and slipping like a pathetic person. He screamed and shut his eyes in reflex, ready to have an aching back for a few days. But to his surprise, he didn't feel the cold tiled floor on his bum.

He opened his eyes and saw a person behind him, fortunately breaking his fall. They had their hands holding both sides of his arms, his back was hitting the stranger's chest. They were wearing an oversized big hoodie and a black mask covering his nose and lips. "Watch where you're going next time." He said lowly not in an annoyed way but more of a worried tone.

Jimin shamefully blushed and bowed down to the person who saved his back — literally. "Thank you! It won't happen again!" He cheerfully said, sincerely thankful for his act and gave him the biggest and most adorable smile he could.

The stranger only patted his head and bent down to the plastic bag on the floor that Jimin thought he dropped because he helped him from falling. He watched the person leave the store, the big smile still visible in his face when he realized, "Oh yeah I need to pay for these!"

When he got back into the car, Jungkook was on his phone probably texting someone. Jimin closed the door and buckled up, "Sorry for the wait, there was a little accident."

"What? Did you got hurt?" Jungkook snapped his head up to the older.

"Nah I'm great, I didn't fall down thanks to a nice person who saved my butt."

"Well that's a relief... I don't know what would I do if you got hurt. I think that person with you at the doorstep earlier would chop my head off in a blink, he was giving me major death glares."

"Oh you mean Seokjin hyung? Yeah that guy can get a tad scary sometimes, he's a co-worker of mine."

"He's really scary."

Jimin laughed and they took off, continuing their journey. When they got to Busan at the cemetery of Jimin's parents, he place the small bouquet of flowers that he bought outside and even introduced Jungkook to them. He told them he couldn't actually visit them at their death anniversary because of his asshole of a boss. Other than the negative and horrible events of his life, he also told them about the little goodness that happened to him. And this time, he wasn't as lonely, because he found new friends and Jungkook. They talked for a bit before deciding to leave an hour later.

It was 3 and they were heading back to Seoul, Jimin offered that he would drive and Jungkook should rest up but the latter declined politely. He pouted in defeat and rested his head on his arm that was leaning at the glass window, "Okay, if you insist. I'll be taking a quick nap then, wake me up when we get back."

"Sure thing!"

He yawned as his eyes turned blurry and heavy, he got to glimpse at the black car not too far behind them at the side mirror. Why did it seem familiar? He squinted his eyes at it and thought he saw this car at the gasoline station and even at the cemetery. But he could be wrong, he was a little dizzy. And besides, how many millions of black cars are in this world? He could be a little paranoid about this. But whatever, he's tired and sleepy, he should rest for the day. And so he did.


Jimin groaned slightly when he feel his surroundings shaking. He wanted to get up and walk to his bed but the tight grip on his body made him fail to do so. He was so tired to even move a muscle, his back was sore from the travel and he just wanted to sleep. He huffed when the shaking didn't stop before he felt a faint soothing voice shush him down, "Shh, you're okay. Go back to sleep."

That voice was so calming that made him relax and nuzzle his face to the soft pillow that was engulfing him, he smiled at how warm and soft it was. It didn't even occur to him that he was being carried by a person, going up to his room and plopping him down gently at the mattress. The person had a lot of trouble leaving him because Jimin was clinging to his arm so tight and he didn't want to wake him up.

He sighed and watched him smile and cuddle up his arm in the cutest way possible. It was 10 in the night and boy, he was so tired for the day. "You idiot." The person spoke in whisper. Jimin opened an eye slightly not prior to the latter's knowledge, he saw darkness. But there was a bit light in the room. And he knows his vision was a little vague and his mental state was not clear...

But he swear the person was wearing a black hoodie.


Yoonmin be like: being a cute and showy couple


Taehyung: Oh snap! Trapped in an awkward position.

This photo of yoonmin got my ass flying to hell bc it literally killed me

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This photo of yoonmin got my ass flying to hell bc it literally killed me. I literally screamed when I saw this, my friend is a key witness...

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