Chapter 7 | Her Work

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Liu Ying Yue

In her white night robes and her hair tied into a low ponytail, Ying Yue sat at a desk in a vacant room with dim candlelight. Per her request, a palace maid had brought her some of her husband's work from his study room. As the new empress, she was all too willing to get started with her plans against the consort of Sui--but unfortunately, that also meant she somehow needed to get into the emperor's good graces in order to exercise and maintain her power.

Otherwise, Ying Yue knew he would most likely disregard her like some of his wives besides for unmentionable acts, and she would be left as a puppet empress with the only power in her name. Additionally, she couldn't just immediately issue an order to execute the consort, as many people believed in the facade of the 'loving' mother-daughter relationship.

What better way to secure my power and get a sense of the nation's activity than completing his work?

"...Like hell I'll resort to sleeping in that horny bastard's bed..." she muttered to herself, her eyebrows furrowing in annoyance at the loud noises from his night session with one of his other wives.

Tch. They have no regard for people who are trying to sleep, do they?...It's not like I'll be sleeping, anyway...

Sighing to herself, she skimmed through the contents of various scrolls.

Now that Sui and Jin were officially allied, there were many trade proposals and scrolls seeking approval for various new constructions. Fortunately, she was at least well-versed in the works of business considering how her aunt was a merchant.

Sorting through the scrolls and replying to ones she found acceptable, a military report came to view.

Emperor Jin--Soldiers on various patrols along the Jin-Tang border have reported many clashes. While some skirmishes have resulted in defeats, the appearance of some Tang soldiers have recently decreased. Unfortunately, we still have yet to address accounts of their rumored involvement in smuggling and human trafficking.

She narrowed her eyes at the report. During her time in Sui, she had also overheard some issues concerning some violence with Tang along the border. Together, Sui and Jin were certainly more powerful than their common enemy, although Tang had a greater population. Their common political situation certainly made the alliance even more beneficial.

Sighing to herself, Ying Yue continued on with as much of the emperor's work as she could until she felt the intense urge to collapse from exhaustion.

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A few days had passed since she began the first part of her plan by serving some use to the emperor. Despite how she cut his workload in half, he still was apparently very preoccupied with his recent war council and even more border conflicts. Fortunately for both of them, they finally managed to have a day off--although she certainly didn't spot him around anywhere.

Closing her eyes, Ying Yue lay under the shade of the pavilion next to a large lake. She felt rather lazy to change out of her white robes or tie up her long hair as she enjoyed the peaceful sounds of nature while preparing her future schemes against her step-mother.

Thank the heavens she, along with my half-sisters, are back in Sui...I wonder how she reacted when she didn't receive the betrothal gifts--

"...Oh my, Zhang Wei has been quite rough with you the past few nights, Ji Li...It almost makes me jealous..."

Ying Yue's eyebrow twitched.

"I am one of his favorite wives, after all," a familiar, shrill voice replied, "My dear Zhang Wei has even said I know exactly how to please him..."

Ah. So that explains the screaming each night.

Another woman let out an obnoxious laugh. "We should refrain from this crude talk in case someone happens to hear..."

And that 'someone' is me--Damn it, they sound like they're getting closer!

Ying Yue quickly pushed herself to her feet despite her body's protests and hurriedly walked in the opposite direction before any of them just so happened to talk to her. Unfortunately, she was blocked with a shadowy boundary by the consort named Ji Li.

"You! You dare to show your face to me again, you bitch?!"

Oh no. I definitely never faced this sort of situation before...Sigh.

Ying Yue turned around and she was met with wide-eyed stares at her face. The other two girls with the young consort whispered to each other between glances.

...I'm not that unseemly, am I?

"So she's the new empress!"

"...She's rather beautiful despite what we heard of her age, isn't she?"

"Answer when I speak to you, ill-mannered woman!"

A shadowy mass from Ji Li's hand propelled itself towards the older girl and harshly pushed her into the lake. She rolled her eyes under the water. Swimming up to the surface, the three girls gawked at her entirely dry appearance while Ying Yue elegantly emerged as if she was a water nymph.

Idiot. Did she forget I was born in the Water Realm and that I can control whether I become wet or stay dry? Hm...I may not be powerful, but at least my abilities can be used for some 'harmless' pranks...

Waving her hand over the water to form a wave, Ying Yue quickly splashed it over Ji Li and her lavish robes. The younger girl's expression exhibited rage as she began hurling insults much to Ying Yue's nonchalance.

...I just want to live my days in the palace with the sole purpose of using my power to destroy my step-mother's life instead of dealing with this crap...Is it too much to ask?!

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Poor Ying Yue...Why can't people just let the girl peacefully plan out her extremely detailed revenge to brutally murder her step-mother?

When will Zhang Wei reappear?...Soon... ;)


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