Chapter 11 | Her Meeting

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Liu Ying Yue

Taking the small bottle of wine out from her sleeve, Ying Yue dropped a few violet petals of the monkshood inside. Swirling it around to let the poison seep out, she took a few sips before setting it down on her nightstand. Almost immediately, her head started to throb as her heart began beating irregularly.

Hm. At least I'm more immune to not be coughing up blood anymore.

"...I suspected that was something you would do, Your Highness."

She spun around and gave an exasperated sigh at the assassin who nonchalantly leaned against the wall. He was dressed in his dark robes as he did before, but the lower part of his face was no longer covered by a mask. Ying Yue sniffed the air and narrowed her eyes at the coppery scent that surrounded him.

"You killed someone, didn't you, Lu Cang?"

He stayed silent for a moment as he stared at her with an impassive expression before slightly tilting his head. "...The Sui minister who hired me before was being difficult...There is no need to worry, Your Highness. I made sure to dispose of all evidence. Should I not have?"

Ah, he certainly works fast...

"You are very efficient. On the bright side, there is one less enemy standing in my way."

Lu Cang simply nodded, hesitating on his next words. "...If it isn't too rude to ask, Your Highness  --What led you to consume poison?"

Ying Yue took a seat at her desk and furrowed her eyebrows as she felt her headache become worse. Staring at her hand, she blinked away the blurriness that started to settle in from the edges of her vision.

"Ah...My body was quite frail when I was younger. Consuming various types of poison was simply an attempt at building immunity to become physically stronger in a way--nothing more." She gave him a slightly reprimanding glance as he looked away guiltily. "...And apparently, that method worked, considering how I'm not rotting in the ground at this very moment."

He immediately faced her again and bowed. "I apologize, Your Highness. If I were to be honest, it was my intention to kill you back then, but I assure you that I wholeheartedly pledge my loyalty and that I--"

Hm. He's certainly like a guilty puppy trailing its master...

"Yes, yes, I am aware of what you are trying to say..." She took a few more sips of the sweet wine. "Tell me, how old are you, Lu Cang?"

I should at least find out more about him...

"I'm fourty, Your Highness."

Ying Yue almost choked.

"...I...see..." She narrowed her eyes, unsure of what to think as the assassin stared at her with his usual serious expression.

"...That was a joke, Your Highness." Lu Cang's face was devoid of amusement. "I am nineteen."

Ah, so he's one year younger than I am...

"...Please do me a favor and refrain from making any jokes in the future. I almost believed you back then with your lack of emotion."

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