Chapter 17 | Her Brother

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Liu Ying Yue

There was a dark aura emanating from her husband throughout the wedding ceremony, and it was still very apparent during the feast. His eyebrows were furrowed in an ill-natured expression as his hand which held a cup of wine shook. Ying Yue followed his gaze to the wedded couple who sat on the dais, narrowing her eyes at the miserable expression on her youngest sister's face compared to the one of accomplishment on the emperor's.

She glanced at the lack of emotion on the consort's face across the table, her other two daughters sitting on each side and stealing glances at Zhang Wei. They fortunately weren't present during the political meeting due to their lack of interest, passing time around the palace until the ceremony.

Conversation buzzed throughout the room at a moderate volume with ministers and important officials from the two newly-allied nations despite some tensions.

What else could they be planning?...

"Your Highness's tea must be getting cold." A maid walked up to Ying Yue and bowed. "I have prepared a new, freshly-brewed batch." She poured the empress a new cup of tea, her hands slightly trembling and spilling some drops on the table.

"Thank you. Those efforts are much appreciated." Ying Yue raised the cup with a small smirk and paused for a moment, glancing at the red petal and part of a bulb from an identifiable flower. Before it could touch her lips, she set it down and turned to the maid.

Ah, I see...

"...Is the tea not to Your Highness's liking?" The woman questioned softly, her hands trembling by her sides.

"I am simply not in the mood for tea right now. In fact..." she smirked calmly and lowered her voice to avoid attracting any unnecessary attention. "How about you drink it for me?"

Her face paled considerably as her eyes darted back and forth. "I-I wouldn't dare drink from a cup Your Highness poured--"

"No, no. I insist...Consider it my gift to you for your service." Ying Yue's eyes glinted.

"...Your Highness, I--"

"It wouldn't be right to disobey orders, would it?"

She hesitated for a moment before bowing. Feeling the gazes of a nosy bunch, Ying Yue met their stares with narrowed eyes as they went back to their business.

"T-Then...I shall, Your Highness..." The maid picked up the cup with shaky hands, staring into the murky depths of the liquid in fear. A sheen of sweat appeared on her forehead as she tightly closed her eyes, slowly raising the cup to her lips. Before a drop could touch her tongue, Ying Yue interrupted with a quiet order.

"That is enough."

She opened her eyes in surprise at those words as the empress took the cup from her hands. Without a word, she slowly signaled to a silver chopstick which lay next to the cup, its tip slowly darkening to reveal the blackness of poison.

Shooting a quick glance at the consort, she took note of her step-mother's smug expression directed at her.

Tch. This old hag never stops, does she?...

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