Chapter 16 | Her Reencounter

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Liu Ying Yue

"Why is everyone in your family so troublesome?" he hissed as the two exited the carriage.

An alliance between three nations was manageable yet risky. While they would overpower the Earth Realm, one petty argument could immediately put two sides up against the other for further conflicts.

Not only that, but my suspicions were correct on how the consort got a hold of my crow... Hopefully, Hei Wu will be fine after he rests a bit in the carriage.

"Ah...Let's not forget that you were the one who agreed to marry me...Bast--"

He stopped her from finishing the insult with a glare of warning. "I don't recall that a wife is allowed to refer to her husband in such terms...Did you forget about our agreement to work together already, Ying Yue?"

"My apologies, my dear husband. It just so happened to slip out." She gave him a pressed smile and grabbed his muscular arm, gripping it tightly as they were escorted to the entrance of the Tang palace.

Servants lined each side of the stone path and bowed as the two walked past rather grudgingly. As they entered the grand, golden doors, they were met with even more servants, who rushed about the place holding expensive clothing and jewelry--bright with scarlet.

"It's quite busy for just a simple political meeting..." Ying Yue narrowed her eyes in observation.

"...Don't tell me...the damn wedding ceremony--" Zhang Wei clenched his jaw in disbelief as a maid came up to the two and bowed.

"This lowly maid greets Your Majesty and First Empress Jin. Please follow me to the main hall."

Releasing her husband's arm, the two unwillingly trailed behind her. As she slid open the imposing, wooden door, Ying Yue immediately straightened and plastered on the same authoritative expression as her husband's.

Upon meeting the gazes of a few familiar faces, she narrowed her eyes as a wave of apprehension washed over her--along with a burning thirst for bloodshed the longer she met the malicious glint in her step-mother's eyes.

"Mother." She greeted with a slight bow and fake smile.

"It's certainly nice to see your face again, Ying Yue--or should I say--Empress Jin." Her red lips curled up into a haughty smirk.

"So the Dragon of Jin finally arrives with his empress..." A man in black and gold robes interrupted with a sly smile, giving Ying Yue a meaningful look. "Have a seat. The tea has been turning cold."

Sitting down next to the emperor of Chen and his wife, they exchanged nods of greeting before facing the dark-robed man. His arm was wrapped around the waist of a young girl who sat on his left, who she realized to be her youngest sister, Diao Chan. Ying Yue had expected her sister's glare upon locking eyes, but the girl just looked away with blank eyes and stared at the table in silence.

Hm...How strange that she isn't jumping for joy at her marriage...Although, I don't blame her.

"It certainly has been a while since I've last seen you two..." Emperor Tang leaned on his other free hand casually as his lips curled up into a boyish smile. "Ying Yue...To think you would end up becoming Zhang Wei's little bitch over here and disregard our past history together...It's fortunate enough that fate has decided to bring us together once again through the alliance..."

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