Chapter 21 | Her Training

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Liu Ying Yue

Ying Yue sat at a stone table in the palace garden among the cherry blossoms, almost all of the petals shriveling up and falling to make way for the beginning of autumn. Taking a sip of her usual wine, she glanced at the quiet man as his unmasked face met her gaze.

"Your Highness," he paused hesitantly with a blank expression, "...His Majesty and I discussed a matter concerning Consort Sui's background, and it is in our interest that I go and investigate the lead."

Ah, so that's most likely why the two of them seem closer recently.

She gave him a slow nod, leaning on her hand as she took another sip. "Indeed...That would greatly aid us considering the current situation."

"However, I am to go to Chen for this matter. If I do so, I would be unable to protect Your Highness as it is."

"Lu Cang, is that what you were worried about?" She rose an eyebrow. "With all the additional assassins you managed to hire, I assure you that I'll be fine. Additionally--"

"Your Highness!" The two trailed their gazes over to Feng Mian as the young maid ran over with a basket filled with orange fruits, giving the assassin a shy bow alongside Ying Yue. "I got these from the markets, Your Highness. Apparently, persimmons are very effective in preventing scars...!"

...She looks so proud that I can't find it in me to refuse...

"Have a seat. You must be tired." As she did so, Ying Yue warmly placed a hand on the girl's head. "I appreciate your effort, Feng Mian. However, I think this is a bit much for me, as my wound is already improving as it is..."

"I'll take some, Your Highness. These will be necessary for my mission." She glanced at the quiet man in surprise as he took out a rather large, empty pouch from his robes, filling it with nearly half of the fruits. "I must leave as soon as possible. Upon my only request is that Your Highness stays with His Majesty at all times."

No promises that I will...

"...Of course." She gave him a nod despite her internal unwillingness. "Please take care."

With a final bow to the two women, he disappeared into the wind as Ying Yue turned to the unusually quiet maid.

"Feng Mian...What are your thoughts on Lu Cang?"

She choked on a bite of her persimmon, forcing out an awkward laugh as Ying Yue smirked. "We barely talk since I'm unsure of how to act around him and because he's so quiet...Anyway, I would say Your Highness is getting closer with His Majesty these days..."

Ying Yue narrowed her eyes at the maid's change of topic and wide grin. "Hm. I wouldn't exactly say that...His actions have been rather questionable at times--"

"...He's handsome, though...Isn't he?"

She sighed. "I can't deny that. However, that doesn't excuse how...annoying he is--"

"Oh? Am I?" His voice suddenly sounded from behind her as Ying Yue shot up from her seat with a cough, Feng Mian immediately rising after with a bow.

...Was he listening the whole time?...

Zhang Wei had an amused smirk as he was dressed in thin, black robes with his hair tied up and the hilt of a sword in his belt.

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