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Steve's eyes locked onto a teen boy as he exited from a room. The brunet teen must have noticed the superhero couple, because he was staring straight at them, mouth open wide. Steve nudged Tony softly, causing his husband to look up.

"Yeah, Steve?" the billionaire asked, fixating his gaze on the taller blonde. Steve swallowed thickly and gestured with his hand to the teen. Tony's eyes followed to where Steve was motioning to and he became intrigued.

"Hey, uh- who's that?" he asked the head mistress whilst pointing in the teen's direction. The head mistress smiled as she realized who the two were focusing on.

"That's Peter. He's been here for around two years now, great kid..."she said, then her smile faltered as she continued. "But... he's had some, uh- tragic experiences..." Steve cocked his head to the side.

"What do you mean by, 'tragic experiences?'" he asked. The head mistress swallowed nervously.

"Peter's parents both died in a plane crash when he was about eight years old. Then he was about, oh, eleven, when his uncle was murdered in front of him. Two years later his aunt passed away when their apartment complex blew up." she informed.

"Oh, and he hasn't spoken a single word since." Steve was stunned and Tony was having trouble comprehending it all. Not only did this kid lose all his family, but he was so scarred that he was afraid to speak?

"Can we go, uh- see him?" Tony asked awkwardly. The head mistress nodded before waving them off with a flick of her hand. Steve and Tony started to walk over, passing multiple shocked boys and girls as they made their way.

Peter finally found enough sense in his mind to stop staring and just as he started to shuffle back to his room, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Steve-freaking-Rogers looking down at him with a slight smile.

"Hey kid," Steve greeted warmly. Peter's eyes bulged from his head as the Tony-mcfucking-Stark caught up to them. Peter felt his mouth go dry, but that didn't matter- after all, he doesn't speak.

"How would you like to come and live with us?" Tony asked inquisitively, a small glimmer of hope in his brown eyes. Peter gasped at the two men before nodding slightly, not thinking of the consequences of his secret identity.

Steve's smile seemed to brighten once Peter nodded. He wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulder and led him through the crowd of jealous minors who were gaping at the trio. Peter kept his head low to avoid the angry glares and cold eyes of his fellow house-mates.

Tony and Steve led Peter to the head mistress who smiled widely as the three stood in front of her. "Is it official?" she asked in a sweet voice.

Tony nodded with a kiddish grin. "Indeed it is," he replied. The head mistress nodded.

"Okay Peter, why don't you go and head to your room and pack up your belongings while we fill out the paper work?" Peter immediately nodded and sped off to his room, closing the door behind him.

He shoved his clothes and a few picture frames in a duffel bag after packing his Spider-Man suit at the bottom. He zipped it closed and fumbled around for his back pack, slinging it over his shoulder.

Whilst Peter was packing, Tony and Steve were busy filling out the adoption papers for their new son. "Okay. I highly recommend talking to Peter as much as you can, to try and help him get the courage to speak himself." The head mistress said.

Steve nodded and listened intently as the head mistress continued to list of things. While that occurred, Tony couldn't get the thought of Peter being alone out of his head. He was distracted by the thought of Peter losing everything.

Then light footsteps were heard approaching the duo and Steve looked over to see Peter standing there, head angling down. Tony smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Ready to go, kid?"

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