Recovery and Kisses

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After the surgery was done, Peter was restricted to a small bed in the recovery room, and boy was he pissed off. Not only did his dads have the audacity to not confront him about his, well... "extracurricular activities," but they also hadn't come to see him yet; even after five full hours of him recovering. Peter groaned as he laid flat on the bed, his head only propped up slightly on the pillow. He was in the most pain he had ever experienced in his life, and that was saying a lot. The teen was staring at the ceiling when there was a sudden commotion, his door slamming open.

"Baby boy!" Wade shouted, rushing to Peter's bedside. The teen spluttered at the sight of his boyfriend.

"W-what? H-how did y-ou get in h-here?" Peter gasped. Wade shook his head and ran his fingers through the boy's chestnut hair.

"I got here as soon as I could. I was hauled onto this mission and I-I only heard like twenty minutes ago- when I got back. What happened?" Wade ranted, quickly pulling a chair to the bed. He sat down and massaged Peter's cheek.

"T-Tower went b-boo-boom," Peter replied with a weak chuckle, laying his head back onto his pillow. Wade's eyes widened.

"You got blown up?!" he nearly shouted. Peter nodded and the seventeen year-old mercenary just sighed, shaking his head. "You need to be more careful, baby."

Peter nodded before frowning, reaching out and touching the bottom of Wade's mask. "M-Mask. Wa-Want it o-off," he whispered. Wade bit his lip but complied, unrolling the fabric from his face and dropping it to the floor. This earned a smile from the young teen, and that made Wade want to soar.

Wade leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Peter's lips, said boy kissing back. Their lips were almost ghosting the other's, each enjoying the sweet moment.

"WILSON WHAT THE F-" a man started to yell before getting cut off.


The couple's heads swiveled to the door to see Tony and Steve standing there, both looking equally pissed. "I- um... we can explain!" Wade said quickly, standing up. His hands were raised in the air, as if he was being threatened with a gun.

"Oh you better start talking, Wilson. Or I'll beat the shi-"


"Fine! I'll beat the absolute daylights out of you," Tony finally said with a roll of his brown eyes.  Wade nodded with a gulp.

"Well, um... you see, Peter and I have been dating for what, a couple weeks now? A-And we met while he was Spider-Man like a month ago, and I helped him with his voice and we became best friends, and... a-and I asked him out and h-he said yes!" Wade explained quickly, glancing back and forth between his boyfriend and Peter's parents.

"Oh, is that so, Peter?" Steve asked, glaring at the boy.

Peter managed a half nod with his current positioning, biting his lip harshly. "I-I was going t-to tell y-you guy-s," he stuttered out.

"Hmm, are you sure about that?" Tony pushed, trying to make him spit the truth.

"Y-Yes!" Peter squeaked, slowly starting to panic under his father's disapproving glares.

"Wade, you're coming with us to have, a... oh, just a little talk."

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