Mind Attacks

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Bucky carried Spider-Man out of the quinjet, holding the masked boy tight in his arms. Everyone followed silently behind as they all walked towards the holding rooms. It took about fifteen minutes until they all arrived at one.

Natasha unlocked the door and Bucky placed spider-man down on the bed and unlatched the boy's hands from his body. Bucky patted the vigilante's head before exiting, Natasha re-locking the door.

Once Peter was sure they were gone, he ripped off his mask and took in big gulps of air, trying to calm his heart rate. He crawled to the opposite side of the room which was hidden from the view of the door. Peter brought his knees to his chest and rested his head against the wall, letting tears steam down his face.

It was all his fault. If he had just run away from his dads in the first place, then no one would be in this mess. Steve wouldn't be hurt, and Peter himself would be up in his bedroom, drowning in his bedsheets. 'You worthless idiot. You should've killed yourself when you had the chance.' a voice whispered in his head.

As the whispered grew into shouts, Peter screamed and covered his ears, beginning to rock back and forth.






These words screamed in his head. "Ahhhggg!!!" Peter shouted, beginning to thrash his body around. He was starting to convulse, and he was beginning to get scared. Peter was quickly able to tug on his mask before convulsing again, accidentally smacking his head against the wall.

Whimpers escaped the teen's mouth as he stopped moving, a paralyzing feeing creeping over his body. He couldn't move, speak or even think.

While Peter was freaking out in his room, the same thing was happening to Bucky.

"Get out of my head!" The soldier suddenly screamed, startling everyone around him. He ran to a wall and banged his temples against it repeatedly, gritting his teeth. "Get... out!"

"B-Bucky, are you okay...?" Sam started to ask, but was cut off by yet another scream.

Bucky seethed in agony and fell to the floor, his body flattening out. He looked up to everyone and winced.

"Th-They're here...."

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