They're Dating?

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Clint ran towards Spider-man before anyone had time to process what had happened. The archer lifted the masked vigilante up into his arms and laid him on the roof, quickly rolling his mask down before anyone could see. He rolled it up the tiniest bit to expose his neck and pressed his fingers to the vain, feeling a steady pulse.

Clint was suddenly pushed aside by Bucky, the metal armed man crouching next to Spider-man. He slapped the red and blue clad teen in the face three times before he sat up, gasping for air. Clint gaped at the super solider, staring as he patted Spider-man down for injuries.

"Hey! Get off my boyfriend!" A voice rang out. Everyone looked over to the building across from them to see Deadpool there, his katanas ready. "Who gave you weasels permission to man handle him!"

"You've got to be kidding me," Natasha said, a deep sigh leaving her lips. Tony rolled his eyes and glared towards the anti-hero, all the while still clutching his husband's hand.

All of a sudden Deadpool was on the roof, walking casually over to Bucky, Clint and Peter. He yanked Clint away from him and Bucky backed up a bit, winking at the red and black clad man. "Bucky, was it?" Deadpool asked quietly, looking to the super soldier. Bucky nodded and Deadpool winked through his mask and crouched low next to Spider-man.

"Hi Spidey!" Deadpool cheered, earning a groan from his boyfriend.

"G-Go a-away, Wade-e," Peter signed lazily before coughing a bit. Wade mocked hurt and covered his chest with his hands.

"Me? Go away? How dare you, Spidey! I thought we were best friends! Wait, scratch that- best boyfriends!" he exclaimed, waving his hands around.

Peter rolled his eyes under his mask and chuckled. Wade hoisted the masked teen up onto his feet and threw his arm around his shoulders.

"They're actually dating?" Bruce whispered to Thor, who stared down at him.

"Why, it appears that these two young men are indeed an item, small bean of green!" Thor replied, earning an eye roll from the gamma scientist.

Wade grinned under his mask before hugging Peter extremely tight, earning a wheeze from the teen. "Oh! Sorry baby boy!" Wade said and let go enough to give the boy some room.

Everyone looked to Tony who sighed and shook his head.

"You've got to be kidding me."

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