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"What, Rogers?" Sam asked angrily, leaning back. He crossed his arms and stared at the super soldier with raised eyebrows. "What?" he said again.

"That's my kid's boyfriend you were just insulting," Steve replied, anger bubbling up in his chest. He glared down at his winged-friend. Sam shook his head.

"So? He's a mercenary- and that son of yours? God- he's a fucking menace, Steve. He's Spider-man for god's sake!" Sam hissed, readjusting himself. Just as Steve was about to respond, Tony spoke up.

"Get out of my house." His voice was cold and emotionless. Sam gawked at the man before snarling. He stood up and shoved his way through the crowd of heroes and stopped by the elevator, looking back.

"I hope you all go to hell," he spat before entering the elevator and descending. Everyone sat for a moment, silence consuming them. Well, that is until they could hear Wade and Peter's discussion coming from the kitchen.

"Peter! Stop doing the fucking dishes!"  Wade scolded. Peter sighed and shook his head.

"I-I have ord-ers, Wa-ade. If I d-don't do them, he-he'll find me-e." the teen said. Wade furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who'll find you?" he asked curiously. Peter licked his dry lips before shaking his head vigorously.


Hours had passed, and everyone was still shaken up by the incident that had happened only a few hours before. They were currently all spread about, except for Peter, Wade, and Bruce who were all gathered in the medical wing.

"It's incredible! You're arms are fully healed and your shattered leg is more than halfway!" Bruce exclaimed as he began to take off Peter's arm casts. The teen smiled sheepishly, a blush spreading onto his face.

"I-I have a pre-etty strong hea-healing fact-tor," the boy stuttered, clearly embarrassed by the amount of affection. Wade ruffled the teen's chestnut hair and planted a kiss on the top of his head.

"It's not as good as mine, though!" the elder teen teased. Peter rolled his eyes at the cheesy comment and soon he was out of all his wraps and casts, except for one leg brace.

"At this rate, you'll have that brace off in no time!" Bruce said, throwing all the trash away. Peter nodded and hopped down from the table, (with the help of Wade) and the two made their way back to his room, fixating themselves in the large bed.

Peter turned on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and the two laid in the bed, Peter's head resting on Wade's chest. They watched the show for countless hours until they both fell asleep.

When Steve came in late that evening to check on the boys, he awed quietly at the sight. Wade was holding Peter protectively against his own body, the younger boy basically on top of him. Peter's head was tucked in the mercenary's neck, and both were sleeping soundly.

Steve couldn't wait to tell the team about this.

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