Silent Hero

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Peter thought he was doomed; his body was falling at an alarming rate, and if he didn't know better he thought he was going to be impaled by a building. The airborne teen squeezed his teary eyes shut and waited to the coming impact, but it never came.

Instead, metal gripped his chest and he was suspended in mid air. Peter cracked open his brown eyes to see Toomes holding him in his homemade claws. "Wh-What?" Peter slurred, his head dizzy from lack of oxygen.

Vulture swallowed roughly and flew downwards, gently laying the teen down on a rooftop. "I'm sorry, kid..." he began, looking away. "I... I wanted revenge but I remembered how you saved me, y'know, when the packages blew up. Seeing you falling, something just snapped inside of me."

Peter gave a tired nod. Ye-ah... I remember th-that..."

Toomes shook his head. "Stay away from my daughter, okay? I'm begging you, Pete. I don't want her involved in any of this..." he pleaded. Peter nodded again, running his tongue over his dry lips.

Vulture looked across the illuminated city, street lamps flickering on just as the sun set below the horizon, the only evidence it was there was the soft orange glow that bordered the water. He glanced back down at the teen boy on the roof and sighed. "Keep outta trouble, Pete." And with that, he flew off into the sky, away from the city.

Ten minutes flew by before the avengers found Peter sprawled on the rooftop of the building, gazing off into the sky. "Peter!" Tony yelled, falling to his knees beside his son. Peter smiled lamely at his dad.

"He-ey dad..." he whispered. Steve kneeled down next to them and smoothed Peter's hair away from his eyes. The teen blinked.

"Shhh.... Pete. Save your energy."

"'M fine," he slurred, giggles bubbling in his throat. Natasha sighed.

"He's high on oxygen," she stated, making everyone hum in agreement.

"Let's get you back to the tower, huh?" Tony asked, picking his son up in his arms. Peter nodded and snuggled close to his adoptive father as he began to walk back down the stairs of the building.

They were finally all back at tower, spaced out on the couches, and they finally finished watching Peter's favorite movie, StarWars.

"I'm going to check the news, real quick." Tony said, clicking back to regular television. A news reported popped up, her background an old musty brick wall,

"Reporting live, tonight. Where has Spider-man been? Our friendly neighborhood hero has been missing for a little over a week, and crime rates have gone up thirty percent!"

The lady paused briefly before speaking once more.

"In the mean time of this hero's absence, everyone has been trying to stop crimes themselves! Now we're only waiting for our Silent Hero to come back."

Silent Hero ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz