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The voice was laced with a British accent. I looked up to see my savior and saw a blonde woman, her hair curled to perfection and she wore expensive clothing from head to toe. Her boots clacked against the cold, hard ground as she walked towards me. She bent down to my level and scanned my dirty appearance.

"Are you alright?" She asked and I nodded in response.

"Who do we have here, sister?" Another British voice said from behind. This time it was a man.

"I don't know but she was being abused by these three," She gestured her head to the unconscious bodies on the ground, "I've done my good deed for the day. However, things just got interesting. Little, darling Elena isn't as angelic as we thought,"

The woman stood up and kicked Elena's stomach. The man came into my view and he, too, scanned me from head to toe. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, while a mischievous smirk etched across his face, "Aren't you a pretty little thing. What's your name?"

"P-Persephone," I mumbled, avoiding any eye contact with this man. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up like I weighed nothing.

"Why were they doing that to you?" The woman asked, standing beside the man. Should I tell them the truth? If I do, they could help me but at the same time, they were still strangers and I don't think I can tell them my life story just yet.

"T-they were...bored," Was my only response. A hand gently grabbed my face but forced me to look directly into the woman's eyes.

"I'll ask again. Why were they doing that to you?" I saw her eyes dilate and my mouth moved on its own, "I don't know. They've been doing that to me since we were little. A-a while ago, they said they were looking f-for enter....entertainment,"

"You poor thing," The man stated as his eyes held such pity. Yet, I was in a daze as I tried to comprehend what just happened. Did they just hypnotize me?

"Kol, Rebekah, what's taking so long?" Again, a British voice called out. Seriously, what's with British people appearing one after the other? Am I dreaming?

"Nik, great timing. We found a little lamb being beaten by Elena and her friends," The man called Kol told the man who just came. The man, who Kol called Nik, came closer to where we were and, I swear, my heart just stopped. I could only describe this man in one word and that is beautiful. His captivating blue eyes, his perfectly defined jaw, his pink, plump lips—I think I just died.

Nik's smirk turned into a frown as he saw the bruises and the bandage on my wrist. In one second, he was right in front of me and my eyes widened in fear. What are they? The hypnosis, the speed?

"Let's get you cleaned up, Sweetheart," I could do nothing but stare. In awe? In surprise? In fear? I can't seem to define the emotions running through me.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Klaus," Oh God. Stefan. 

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