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All I could do was stare. I stared blankly in front of me as my parents pushed me back down the stairs, back into the dark basement.

The door slamming and the scraping of the table legs against the hard floor told me exactly what happened. They decided against it, Mama didn't like it and Papa changed his mind. They both sent me back into the basement where I was left to be by myself.

I fumbled around in the dark, I knew where everything was which made finding my lamp easy. I twisted the switch and the lamp lit up with a small spark.

Glancing back to the steps leading up towards the small door, I frowned.

They lied. They told me I could stay for a few minutes, but they lied. I was outside for merely seconds.

My bottom lip quivered at the thoughts running through my mind, I bit my lip and blinked fast to get rid of the tears that were threatening to fall.

"How could they do this to me?" I muttered as I stripped myself of my dress and slipped into my nightgown. "They knew how important this was."

I wanted to cry and scream as I bang on the steps with my fists, begging them to take me outside but Mama's voice in my head stopped me.

'Amoret, you are being puéril!' I could just hear her saying, repeating it over and over until I stopped.

I knew not to do something so silly. That mistake was made once by me.

It was a clear memory in my mind, as if it was only the day before. I was young, too young to understand what was wrong with the outside world. Mama and Papa were making breakfast, they accidentally left the door open and I managed to crawl up the stairs in hopes of not getting caught.

I was sneaky, small and quiet. I finally made it to the front door when Mama's hand landed down with a smack on my own, my scream filled the house and I looked up at Mama to see her glaring at me. It was a sight I never wanted to see again, she was livid.

Later that night, she told me about the werewolves. She told me they were demons, killers, murderers, she said just about anything to make them sound bad. She told me they were vicious, rough and cruel. Merciless, even.

They were her biggest fear.

Sometimes I wish they didn't exist, I blamed them for making my parents keep me down in the basement. It was all their fault.

And yet, a small part of me believed it was Mama and Papa, my own parents, who did this to me. They didn't have to lock me away, did they?

I sighed and settled into bed, wrapping the blankets around me and began humming myself to sleep.

My sleep wasn't long. Soon enough I was up again but it wasn't on my own.

Papa was sitting next to me with his hands shaking me awake. "Papa?" I mumbled as I hesitantly sat up.

"Amoret," he shushed me, "we haven't got much time."

"What do you mean, Papa?" I asked as he urged me out of bed and quickly wrapped Mama's cloak around me.

"Amoret, listen to me-" he grabbed my shoulders and made me face him, his brown eyes wide with panic, "-you must leave."

"Papa, what is happening?" I demanded as I stepped into my slippers.

Papa let go of me when a bang, a clatter, came from above us and Mama's voice followed, she was apologizing. The question was, to whom?

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