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"Flynn is gone," I announced as we were eating the crepes that Macia made for breakfast.

Henrik looked up from his plate, his mouth full.

"I mean, I haven't known him long, but he's my friend," I continued, shoving a forkful of crepe into my mouth.

"Everyone who knows Flynn pretty much loves him," Henrik said, swallowing.

"I can understand why, he's very nice and funny," I smiled at the thought of Flynn, "I can't wait for him to come back."

"You can hang out with me instead?" Henrik offered, "If you want."

"That would be nice," I thanked him.

"Well, well, well," Macia walked into the dining room with another plate of crepes, "who wants thirds?"

"I think we're good, mom," Henrik answered for us. I was stuffed and from the look of it so was Henrik.

"More for me!" Macia smiled and sat down next to us. "What are the plans for today?"

"I think I should take Amoret out to eat-" Henrik turned to me, "What do you think?"

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea!" Macia exclaimed, answering before I even had the chance to. She began smiling at the both of us.

"Yes," I agreed, "it is."

"There's a nice place to eat down the street, a woman named Silvia owns it. There's good food, I think you'll like it," Henrik told me, holding his empty plate and offering his hand to me so that he could take my plate.

I handed him mine as I thought about what tonight would mean. The thought of going out to dinner made me happy, it was different from eating in a basement, even now with the open window in the room made me feel a certain way that I couldn't explain. A type of freedom, maybe.

It was much nicer than what I was used to.

"That means you can wear one of my newest designs I gave you! Perfect for date night!" Macia smiled at me, sending me a small wink.

"Oh, it's not a da-" I began with a small giggle of a laugh but Henrik cut me off before I could finish.

"Thanks, Mom," Henrik said to her.

That was all for breakfast.

Henrik waited until it got dark out to bring up the idea of taking me out again but when he did I felt like I was being rushed out the door to make it on time, so, I was now getting ready with the help of Macia.

I stood in front of my mirror wearing a dark blue dress that clung to my hips and stopped at my ankles. It was tight and the fabric reminded me of my gloves, something I forgot to ask for.

Macia came into my room, her presence was something made up of confidence and sweetness. She offered to do my hair and since I was missing my mama, I happily said yes.

"I must say, I'm not much of a hair person but I know how to do a few good braids," Macia greeted as she came through the doorway with my new comb in hand.

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