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"L-Luna Rose," I stuttered.

Taking a step back, I looked at her with wide eyes that made a smile appear on her face, her red lips pulling up at the corners as she noticed my expression of shock.

She straightened up and held out her hand, the one with sparkling rings, "Pleased to meet you."

I shook her hand gently, hoping that she wouldn't notice my sores on them but I knew her handshake was softer than what anyone else would do. She didn't give off a terrifying vibe but instead it was warm, motherly even.

I still found myself shaking at her kind touch.

"What brings you up here?" She asked me without any hesitation, her voice firm and getting straight to the point. "This is the Alpha's wing."

My hand went up to cover my open mouth, a part of me scared of what she just told me but the other part too upset to care about consequences. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" The words flew out of my mouth quickly, "I didn't realize, I didn't notice at all. Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll leave."

Before I could take my first step back down the stairs her hand was reaching out and grabbing my arm, "No, please, come chat with me," she insisted with a smile.

"I shouldn't, I wouldn't want to upset anyo-" I was about to deny but noticed my mistake just in time, "-I mean, yes, of course, I can't just refuse to talk to the Luna, I mean, like, oh, just yes."

I've been making a lot of mistakes lately and this is one of the big ones.

"Breathe," she cooed, her hand letting go as she continued to smile down at me as if I wasn't being a blubbering mess. "Come on."

Luna Rose took me back to her room, the one she shared with her mate, the Alpha of the pack.

She was currently getting me tea, well, getting someone else to fetch us tea. I heard the clicking of her heels first, then she came sauntering back into her living area with an omega behind her, one who was carrying a tray with two teacups and a kettle.

I was sitting down on one of her very comfortable seats when she came back and gracefully sat down on the seat across from me.

The omega placed the tray on the table between us and continued to fill the cups, she handed one to me and I thanked her, Luna Rose did the same thing when she got her own cup.

Once the omega left Luna Rose crossed her legs, took a sip and asked, "Now, why were you crying?"

"Did you see that?" I asked, feeling more self-conscious than ever because Mama always told me I was an ugly crier.

"I heard you and then I seen you," she grimaced and pointed to a spot behind me, "do you mind telling me what got you so upset?"

I twisted a little in my chair, turning to look behind me where I seen a huge mirror that took up a big chunk of the wall.

Instead of looking at my usual big, doe eyes that were the colour of blue, my papa would call them angel eyes, they were now lined with red and matched my irritated, flushed cheeks.

"Why are you trying to help me?" I asked, knowing very well that every Luna is supposed to be sweet and caring to their pack members, but I was just a mere human, a visitor.

"Because I don't like seeing anyone sad, Amoret. Now, you will tell me what is bothering you," she demanded, her voice still sounding like honey as she took another sip from her tea.

For some reason, I crumbled completely as devastated me took over, the one who Flynn lied to, "He lied to me," I cried, trying my hardest to stop the tears and Luna Rose, she was expecting it just as much as I was. "Flynn is a werewolf, and he kept it from me!"

"Is that what you're upset about?" She questioned, "Because he's a werewolf?"

"Yes," I paused and choked back tears, "no, oh, I don't know!"

"Amoret," Luna Rose spoke, her voice appearing closer as she got up from her seat and soon I felt her hand rubbing soothingly against my back, "Are you mad because he lied to you or are you mad because your mother did?"

"How do you know about my mama?" I asked, looking up at her with a quivering bottom lip.

She sighed and bent down on her knees, putting my face between her hands. "I know because Flynn worried about you. When Flynn first came home he spoke of a woman he met and bragged about how you were the sweetest person he has ever met in his life, but he was scared to be honest with you because of your mother."

"My mama?" I questioned.

"Amoret, the things your mother says to you about werewolves aren't very nice. Do you believe what she tells you?" She asked me.

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

"Flynn has been nice to you, right?" She nodded at her own question, "Because of you, he was able to finally shift, after waiting months for it to happen," she explained to me, smiling up at me.


"Flynn was a late shifter, unlike his older brother, but when he noticed those rogues in the woods that day, something in him snapped at the thought of them hurting you and he was finally able to shift," Luna rose spoke with pride evident in her voice.

"What does that mean to me?" I sniffled, wiping away at my cheeks to get rid of the tears.

"I was hoping that it could show you that your mother is wrong, hoping that maybe you can make up your mind about werewolves on your own."

"And, how do I do that?" I asked innocently.

"Well, you spend time with werewolves, of course." 

W O R D  C O U N T : 1032

Such a filler chapter, nothing super important at all

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Such a filler chapter, nothing super important at all.

Anyway, just a little update.


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