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thirty two

My eyes fluttered open as a shiver wracked my whole body, the cold and hard floor underneath me continued to freeze up my back. I leaned on my elbows for support as my eyes scanned the area, to only find that I was in complete darkness while I tried to breath in the damp air.

Fear pushed itself to the front of my mind as I shoved myself up, wobbling as I finally stood up straight.

What do I do?

"He-Hello?" I called out, my voice hitting off the walls and echoing back to me. "Is anyone there?" I tried again.

"You shouldn't be doing that. Quite frankly, I would rather it if you would shut up."

My head whipped over to where the new voice came from, "Who-Who are you?" I asked.

"Does that really matter? Quit talking," the voice snapped again, the croak in his voice told me that he probably hadn't had anything to drink in a long while.

"Do you know whe-where we a-are?" I questioned, ignoring the anger of his tone that was practically screaming at me to stay away as my feet started hitting against the ground in an attempt of following the voice.

"Of course," he answered sourly. "I've been here for too long to not know."

"Can you t-tell me, please?" I asked as I kept moving forward, towards the irritated sounding voice.

"How do you not know?" He spoke, "Think, what were you doing before you came here?"

"I-I-" Alpha Kendrick, "-He was there."

"Good for you," sarcasm rolled off his tongue. "Glad you understand that."

"Please-" my bottom lip quivered, "-I-I'm just scared."

I heard him sigh, "Alright. I'm sorry, okay?"

"I-It's okay. Where are yo-you?" I asked, my arms out as they were searching the room.

A hand shot out from the dark and grabbed onto my arm, pulling me down against the ground in one quick movement. My back hit against a hard surface and a hand quickly slapped itself over my mouth before I got the chance to scream.

"Here-" the hand moved away slowly, "-I'm right here."

I leaned closer into the wall as I trembled, "Why are you in here?"

"Because I don't like him, Kendrick that is. Actually, I hate him," he admitted, "I would kill him if I had the chance."

His voice lowered at his last few words. I hope he's not a murderer. I asked, "Why would you want that?"

"Because Kendrick isn't a nice man-" I noted the way he used his first name and didn't bother with his title, "-and I can't stand him, not after what he did."

"What did he-" the sound of scraping made my question fall short.

A door was opened, light coming into the room in the shape of an uneven, but growing line as the door continued to move. I could hear footsteps coming closer as I stared up at the mysterious figure.

Practically shivering in fear, and from being cold, but I didn't look away from him.

I watched as the man bent down to be right in front of my face, both of his elbows resting on his knees before one of his hands came out to grip onto my chin, pulling me towards him.

The light shined against the side of his face where I was able to see a familiar eye, one that was almost black.

I knew who it was instantly, Kendrick.

"It's very nice to see your beauty again, Amoret," Alph-Kendrick clicked his tongue. "Although, I must admit, it is a pity to see you like this."

I whimpered as he leaned forward, his words coming out in a twisted chuckle, "But it's the only way."

The man beside me was silent as I watched Kendrick look over to him, "Ah-" he let go of my chin, "-I haven't seen you in a while, Wyatt. I honestly thought that you had died by now."

No response, nothing whatsoever.

"Ignoring me now? Is that how you should treat your brother-in-law?" Kendrick questioned as he got up, and moved back towards the door. "Oh well, I'm sure I won't have to worry about you soon, nor will I have to see your sister again."

"Don't you dare hurt her," Wyatt growled next me, the sound of chains rustling followed and then a painful whimper.

"There's nothing you can do about it, and besides, I already have a replacement," Kendrick responded and I watched as he glanced back behind his shoulder, looking down at me with a smirk across his lips.

As quick as he came, he was gone.

Was he talking about me? Am I his replacement?

"Now I know why you're here," Wyatt spoke up from beside me, "to replace my sister."

"Luna Rose," I whispered.

"Luna," he scoffed, "what a joke."

"You shouldn't talk about her like that, she's a good person, and she doesn't deserve it, she doesn't deserve what's happening to her," I told him as I leaned comfortably into the wall again.

"Do you know the whole story? Because last I checked she was stupid for even pretending to like Kendrick in the first place, and it's all her fault I'm even in here," he growled.

"Why are you in here?" I asked.

"I'm in here because she begged me to help and I did, or at least I tried. I came here to threaten Kendrick, to tell him to let my sister go, to tell him that Rose isn't his true mate, but that just made him angry," he explained. "In the end, he locked me up down here."

"D-Down here?" I stuttered, "A-Are we in a ba-basement?"

"Well, we are underneath his personal house, so yes," he answered.

Placing one hand on the wall and the other on the space of ground next to me, I let out a breath of air.

Back in the basement once again.

W O R D  C O U N T : 1092

I'm super sleepy but I wanted to post this, let's hope it's good!

Anyway, I have a kind of important question, I need to know what colour I should use in my next book for my tag thing?

I'll use the first choice someone comments, but I don't want pink or blue just because I already have those two for something at the moment, nor do I want black or white because that's what my cover is anyway.


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