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twenty four

"Fai-ow!" My hand shot up to touch the spot where Faith pulled on my locks a little too hard, "-my hair."

Faith gently swatted my hand away, "Wait, wait, wait, and-" She continued to style my hair, pushing it up further until I heard her sigh in approval, "-done."

The handle to the mirror was tightly gripped in my hand, my short fingers wrapping around it as I slowly moved it up to be able to see my face and then above it to see a lovely high bun sitting on top of my head with waves of my blonde hair framing my face.

"Oh," I whispered, "Faith, I love it."

"Good," Faith said and I could view her smile in the mirror. "Now, time for the dress."

Faith ushered me up and proceeded to push a folded dress into my arms, I gladly took it. Heading towards the washroom, my hand felt the soft but thick fabric of the dress. Pushing the door closed, I quickly undressed and slipped on the fancy dress.

Looking into the long mirror, I did a little spin as I watched the bottom of the baby pink dress flare out and show off the silver shoes I was wearing that made me a bit taller, but still no match to most of the people I've met so far, however, Faith wasn't exactly on the tall side either.

The dress pushed up my chest, showing off my cleavage that I wasn't used to seeing in anything that I wore, and kept to my waist like second skin, but the bottom stuck out like a tradition royal gown.

There were no jewels, not like the ones on Luna Rose's dress but under my waist there were some silver sparkles freckled throughout and thickened as it got closer to the bottom where there was a complete line of it at the end.

Speaking of Luna Rose, how come I'm not getting any answers of what happened? I don't know where Flynn is, nor do I know where Andrew or Rhett is, not even Jordan. The last thing I can remember is when Jordan was getting me away from the danger, but even that is a little blurry.

Getting out of the bathroom, I went back into the bedroom and immediately questioned Faith. "Faith," I started with a questioning tone and I continued when she hummed in response, "how come I can't remember anything?"

Faith came up behind me, making sure my dress was on properly and even smoothed it out along the bottom piece. "Well, you had quite the knock to the head, but I'm sure your memory will come back in due time."

"Can't you tell me what happened?" I asked her and hoped I would get an answer that I would like, "Where is Flynn and everyone else?"

"I can tell you that they're fine," Faith answered with a smile, "and that they're back at their pack, but that is all I'll say."

Before I got the chance to ask why I wasn't with them, to ask how I even got to Kaius's pack, she began taking me away. Faith pulled me by the arm, showing me out of the room, "Now, you mustn't be late," she said, "the Alpha even made sure it was held here, so that you wouldn't be far from home if you felt uncomfortable."

"Oh, that's sweet of him," I mumbled and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips.

To make sure that I would be okay.

"Very sweet indeed," Faith agreed and her smile widened as she led me through the hallway, heading down a stairway and towards an area I haven't been to, but it wasn't as though I did much exploring before that anyway. "It's nice to see the Alpha so happy, very calm as well."

"Has he not been that way?" I asked.

"Never, always so cranky and rude to just about everyone," Faith let out a chuckle, "but it's good to see him like this, thanks to you."

"Why was he like that?" I continued pressing.

"Something from his childhood, a bad incident from what I gathered-" Faith stopped in front of a large door, her smile not faltering once as she spoke, "-ah, here we are." She pushed on the door, opening the entrance wide as the sound of gentle music invaded my ears, the noise reminding me of the night out with Henrik.

The laughter of people, the chatter, everything so elegant and composed.

"I'll see you tonight to get you ready for bed, only if you wish, Luna," Faith said, pulling me out of my little trance that I was in, " and remember, if you wish to leave then I'm sure the Alpha would be happy to take you back to your room." The door closed behind me after I entered, well, I more so stumbled in as Faith practically pushed me through the entrance.

Everyone in the room looked absolutely beautiful, very elegant and composed. Even the room itself was decorated very nicely, a humongous chandelier hanging from the middle of the room, lighting up the place, with long pieces of red silk covering areas of the wall and arranged neatly on the ceiling.

I found myself humming softly along with the tune, closing my eyes for just a second before I felt someone behind me, their presence warm as their body came close to mine.

"Don't you look beautiful," he whispered into my ear as he leaned down to place his head on my shoulder, his arm wrapping around my waist.


My hand went up to feel the side of his face, the skin of his scar rough as I traced it. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Shall we dance or are you still mad at me?" Kaius asked, moving from behind me to face me with his arm still around me, but he brought his free hand up to grasp my own.

"I can do a dance," I admitted with a small smile, "but I must warn you, I'm sure I'm not very good."

I watched as he returned the gesture, showing of his teeth as he held my hand tighter and began leading me to the middle of the floor, where everyone could see us. I looked up at him as he kept his green eyes on me, not bothering to look at anyone else, no matter how many gorgeous women I could see watching him with lovey, adoring eyes.

When he noticed I wasn't going to step any closer to him, as I was keeping a good chunk of space between us, he pulled me right against him with his hand wrapped around mine and his other one resting on my hip.

"Well, shall we?"

W O R D  C O U N T : 1150

W O R D  C O U N T : 1150

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Part two.

I am so tired.

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