Unpacking/ kumajiro

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"Hey is there something wrong" Prussia was worried for the little country, even though he didn't see him that often he always remembered Canada's beautiful smile.

"No.." Canada said quietly. He chanced a look up at the nation and just like he thought, his heart soared at finally getting a good look at him. He saw the worry in his eyes, and willed himself to speak. He looked back down and spoke to the floor. "Do you need anything?" Canada asked. "I could help you unpack? Or get you something if you are hungry..."

"Okay we could get a snack later, but I wouldn't mind if I had some help unpacking" he smiled he was glad the little nation was okay.

Canada smiled a bit as he walked into Prussia's room. He was glad he could spend some time with Prussia. "So where do you want to start?" He asked quietly.

Out of the corner of his eye Prussia saw Canada smile and he couldn't help but blush he wish that he could wake up to that smile every morning " here we go, this is most of my stuff" he lifted a heavy black bag on to the bed "think we can put everything away before breakfast?"

"If we work hard enough we can!" Canada said, "I hope..." He set kumajiro down and went over to the bag on the bed and unzipped it. In it, he found some shirts and pants.

He went over to the closet and got some hangers. He came back, put them on the bed, started putting the shirts on hangers, and hung them back up in the closet.

Prussia loved how determined he was that was of course just one of the many reasons he loved him "I hope wile I'm here I get to eat some of your famous pancakes with syrup"

Canada laughed a bit. "I can make you pancakes, sure!" He said. He hung the last of the shirts and pants.

he smiled nervously he started to stutter a bit. "hey, um later after dinner or whatever do you think I don't know we could watch a movie. We don't need to go out or anything I just wanted to thank you for helping me" he looked up at Canada but Prussia realized his whole face had turned red as a pepper. "I-If you want"

When Prussia asked him to watch a movie he froze. A deep blush grew on his cheeks and he didn't have his polar bear to cuddle, so he fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt.

"Um, okay!..." Canada said. He was so happy Prussia asked him to hang out with him! He immediately went to the last of his bags to unpack. He was embarrassed that he was blushing so much, and he wanted to hide it.

Prussia than realized that Canada was blushing to did this mean the other nation loved him as much as he did "I guess that's it we should start heading down."

"Okay." Canada said. He turned around to the spot where he put kumajiro down, but he wasn't there. He looked all over the room and even peaked in the closet. "Oh no, kumajiro ran away. Now he's somewhere in the house..." Canada knew now he had to go find him. He walked out of the room and turned back around to Prussia. "Sorry.." He mumbled.

"It's okay I can help you find him he can't be to far right"

"You really want to help?" Canada asked. "You can go with France if you want. I don't mind..."

"No, really I want to the same thing happens with Gillbird all the time" he grabbed the boys hand and pulled him out of the room to start the search.

Canada's eyes widened in realization that Prussia had grabbed his hand. A blush formed I his cheeks and he turned away to hide it. "Um, he might have gone into my room. It's to the right of yours." He said pointing with his free hand at his bedroom door.

"Okay let's cheek in there" Prussia nudged the door open to find a sleepy little bear curled up on Canada's bed "there we go he must have been tired" Prussia hadn't realized he sill was holding Canada's hand "maybe you should let him stay here we can get him after breakfast"

"Silly bear," he mumbled. He was a little disappointed when Prussia let go of his hand, but they couldn't keep holding on forever.

He went up to his pet and stroked him softly on the head and turned back to Prussia. "That sounds like a great idea. Let's go get breakfast."

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