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Prussia put a hand around Canada and led him to the kitchen he wished the younger nation knew how he felt "what's for breakfast" Prussia said wile moving his hand from Canada's back of course he didn't want France to see or England what would they think towards Prussia being in love with their son.

Canada started to heat up even more then before at how close Prussia was to his side. When they got downstairs though, he removed his hand and his spirits dropped a little.

"We are having bacon, eggs, potatoes, and toast." America said.

"A more special breakfast to celebrate your arrival." France explained. "Come and eat!"

"I Feel so loved" Prussia replayed after hearing Frances words. "So what were all of you guys planing to do today" he said after taking a seat next to Canada and putting his arm around the chair so it was just above Matthews shoulders.

When Canada realized where Prussia was resting his arm, his spirits lifted again. He imagined what he would feel like if that arm was wrapped around his shoulders for real...

"Well I was just planning to work out a bit, and do some other things. You know, hero stuff!!" American said loudly stuffing his face with bacon.

Canada reached for some potatoes and poured it on his plate to start eating something.

"Well Francis and I were planing to go out today, you guys can do whatever you want we will be back late so you guys can order dinner or go out" the Brit replied wile France handed out the breakfast.

" in other words were going to be gone for the whole day, so no funny business.......Gilbert" Francis sent him a little look.

"Haha!! Yes!!! I'm getting McDonalds tonight then!" America yelled, doing a little happy dance in his seat. Canada giggled a little at his goofy brother and went back to his potatoes, munching quietly. He didn't want to disturb the conversation at the table.

" wait a second, what did I do" Prussia looked around the table.

"Nothing." England said, "But you always want to play dangerous games, and I don't want anything happening to America or Canada!"

"Don't worry! The hero is here!!! Everything will be fine!" America shouted.

"Ya but didn't you just clearly say that you were going out to doesn't that mean that me and Matt will be alone" Prussia started to smirk

Canada squeaked a little at the thought of him and Prussia being alone. He chanced a sideways glance at Prussia and wished he hadn't looked. The smirk on his fade was enough to make his stomach flip.

"Oh angleterre, they will be fine! Prussia's a good man. Lighten up!" France said.

"That's coming from you, didn't you teach him everything he knows he's like mini you" England stood up from his chair "well you guys are friends" he looked at Prussia and Canada "but if I here any funny business your both dead"

"Don't worry Arthur what do you take me for a French man" Prussia looked up at Matthews overprotective mother and than at France who gave him a look. What Prussia didn't realize was he drifted really close to Canada during that discussion and there sides were touching.

At this point, Canada was extremely embarrassed. He could feel that his cheeks were boiling hot and knew they were flaming red. He wished he brought his polar bear with him. Suddenly, he was aware that Prussia was touching him. Their sides were touching and he got a little shock.

He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him and Prussia. "I- um- I have to go feed kumajiro!!Canada stuttered out and ran to his room.

He was lying down on his bed with his bear by his side. He was so embarrassed. 'How obvious is it that I like him?' Canada thought to himself.

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