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"Okay come on, ALFRED WE'RE LEAVING" he yelled so the other boy would hear "let's go"

"Are you sure we should leave him home alone?.." Canada asked cautiously as they neared the front door.

"Come on what is he gonna do we just need to make sure we get back before your parents" he smiled and gave Canada a little peck on the lips before going outside.

"Okay..." Canada said slowly, "but we can't be late, then England will really kill us." He quickly grabbed his wallet and keys and locked the door behind Prussia. "So where are we off to?"

Prussia gave him a look "Do you think I didn't see you grab your wallet, you know I'm not letting you pay right"

"I... Well... Oh be quiet, you're the guest!" Canada said light heartedly.

"Ya but I should be the one to treat you to lunch considering I had the idea" he folded his arms and turned away.

Canada sighed, "there's no winning with you, is there?" He came from behind Prussia and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing the back of his neck.

"The awesome Prussia always wins" he turned a bit so he could kiss Matthew back. " so for lunch we should go somewhere your parents defiantly wouldn't be"

"Well France likes to go all out to expensive restaurants.... So somewhere not fancy." Canada said, "and not McDonalds. Anything but that."

"Well Italy comes over a lot so I usually eat a lot of Italian want to go to a place like that"

"That sounds yummy!!" Canada said excitedly, "I don't have italian food... At all really!"

"I saw one on the way to your house this morning" Prussia smiled he was so happy he got to spend the day with Canada "did you want to drive or do you want me to"

"Well that's good!" Canada said smiling, "and you can drive!"

"Okay come on" he lead Matthew to the car and opened the passenger side door him to get in. Than he got in and backed out of the driveway.

They got there in 5 minutes

"Mmm it smells so good, and we didn't even step inside yet!" Canada said. They walked in and he asked for a table for two. They were seated and were handed the menus. He studied his thoughtfully, trying to pronounce the Italian names.

Prussia laughed at Canada trying to pronounce the names "hey Matt" he rested his hand over Canada's
"We are like together now right" Prussia was nervous asking this question but he wasn't sure if Matthew was okay if he called him his boyfriend.

"Oh! Umm... Well ya..." He said, getting all shy again. He was really happy that they are a thing now!

"Okay just making sure like what if someone we knew came up to them and I just blurted out that you were my boyfriend, and I'm gonna stop talking now" Gillbert quietly cursed himself for talking to much.

Canada laughed, "It's okay! It's sweet of you to ask." He smiled up at Prussia to let him know he's sincere.

A few minutes later the waiter came and took their orders and menus and as soon as they knew it their food was placed in front of them. "Mm your right Matt it dose smell good"

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks!" Canada said, "but I'm sure it does. He grabbed a piece of the pizza and took a small bite. "Mmmm. That's really good! So much better then the pizza England attempts to make... Sorry if you ever have to eat his good while you're here by the way."

"This food is really good but it's nowhere near as good as Italy's pizzas" he smiled remembering the last time Italy made pizza for him and his brother "you should come over next time Italy is there"

"England can't make food for shit, the only thing he knows how to make that's actually decent is fish and chips"

"That would be fun! Italy seems like a really nice person. Even though he doesn't see me..." Canada said. "And yes we all know. It's better just to eat it though. He gets all worked up about it if you criticize his food."

"Trust me I learned that the hard way centuries ago, you know before you and Alfred came along Francis always invited me and Antonio over and I could never forget one time there was a snowstorm and he was stuck in traffic so Arthur decided to make dinner. Of course before this Antonio and I never had England's food before. So dinner comes and I take a bite, passed out right there on the floor" he had a smile his my face "I woke up and swore my head off in German but being England he understood every word I said,so ya" he looked at Matthew "the day your mother almost killed me" he smiled again.

Canada really laughed now as he ate his dinner. "Yup! That sounds like him. There has been a few instances where either me or America faints, or throws up. But we have developed an immunity. It doesn't take away from the fact that his good is still horrible. It's just that we can eat it, and not get too sick."

"Yup I think next time he cooks for me he's going to make something he thinks is bad, than I'm really In trouble"

Canada laughed a bright laugh. This was so much fun! He looked down at his plate to find that there was no more good left. He was so engaged in the conversation, he didn't notice he finished his meal. "It looks like we're done!"

Prussia smiled at the laughing nation and turned to a waiter "check please"

They hadn't realized how late they were out till Prussia looked at the driveway as they pulled in "oops"

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