Alone time/Movie

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Knock knock
"Hey Matthew, can we talk" Prussia just stood outside the closed door. He understood what happened and realized that sometimes he got a little carried away and Arthur was right he was like Francis but he loved Matthew a lot "Matt please let me in I need to talk to you"

As much as he wanted to be alone, he was happy someone came up to talk to him. He walked up to the door and opened it, letting Prussia inside. He snuggled his bear close to his chest. He didn't have the slightest idea on what to say so he waited for Prussia to say something first.

"Matt hey what's bugging you, you haven't been yourself and I wonder if there is anything I can do to help" Prussia lead Canada back to the bed so he could sit. After he was comfortable Prussia sat beside him, and put his arm around him to comfort the little nation.

Canada melted a little at the arm around his shoulders. He snuggled into Prussia just a little to get comfortable. "I.. I just didn't know you were coming over. It was sudden..."

"Ya well I rather be with you than home alone" he was happy that Canada was getting comfortable. He looked down at his long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"Guys were leaving" England called from the door. "Don't burn down my house"

"No promises" Prussia yelled which made England scowl.

"Bye!" Canada yelled to England as he was passing by. He was about to ask Prussia what movie he wanted to watch when he remembered that he didn't day good by to France.

Prussia watched as the little nation jumped out of his arms and down the stairs.

He ran down the stairs as fast as he could, holding tight to his bear. He reached the front door and saw that France was just walking out.

"Wait!" He called. France turned around with a concerned look on his face. "I didn't say good bye." He ran up to France and gave him a big hug. "Bye papa. Have fun."

Of course Prussia ran after him and realized that he just left to hug his father. "Bye Francis and don't worry Matthew is okay with me"

France smiled down at the cute nation and hugged him back. "Keep an eye on your brother." France said with a wink, "have a good time!" And with that, he left.

After everyone was gone Prussia and Canada went to sit next to each other on the couch.

Canada felt his nerves acting up again now that they were alone.

"K dudes, I'm going to work out." America said as he left the room. Now he was really alone with Prussia.

"S-so... What movie do you want to watch?" Canada asked quietly.

"Your pick" Prussia could tell that Canada was beginning to feel nervous, but he was nervous to so nervous that he started to sweat.

"Oh! Umm..." Canada thought for a moment. "Honestly I'm not sure... I don't really know what movies you like. Are you sure you don't want to pick?" Canada didn't want to pick a movie that he didn't like. He wanted Prussia to enjoy himself.

"Well my favourite movie is V for Vendetta, but I don't know if you would like that"

"I've never heard of it, but if it's your favourite, then I will watch it." Canada said. "Would you like some popcorn?"

"Okay if you want but it gets scary" Prussia was concerned for the younger nation he didn't want him up all night because he wanted to watch a scary movie. "I could go for some popcorn" Prussia smiled

"Oh..." Canada wasn't too fond of scary movies. He always hates it when America puts on his. "Well, it's okay... I can just close my eyes! And Kumadrew is here..." He wanted to add that Prussia was with him, so he feels safe, but he is too shy.

"You can start getting the movie on, I will go make some popcorn." Canada said heading to the kitchen.

"Well I guess if you get scared I'm always here" Prussia smiled he went on to Netflix and searched for the movie.

Canada thought about what Prussia said to him. He was so scared now! He wouldn't know what to do. Usually he would just hide behind his bear, but he didn't want to seem... Weak to Prussia. He was reassured by that comment though.

Canada was pulled out of his thoughts by the ring of the microwave. He poured the popcorn in a big bowl and put it on the coffee table in the living room. He sat next to Prussia and snuggled with his bear. "All ready?"

"Yup all ready" the opening sequence started and Prussia looked to his side and saw how uncomfortable Canada was so he slipped his had around him just because Prussia knew that there was a gory scene coming.

Canada was focusing on the screen, but he noticed when Prussia put his arm around him. He already felt better. He focused back on the screen to see killing and violence, and blood. It was more then he could handle so he quickly buried his head in Prussia's shoulder.

Realizing what he did, he pulled back. "S-sorry!" Canada said quickly. He turned his head away to hide his deep blush.

"No, it's okay here" Prussia put his hand on the back of Matthews head and led it back to his shoulder and stroking his long blond hair. It was nice besides the screaming of the girl and the men trying to kill her in the background.

"G-gil, are you sure?" He asked. He took a glance at the screen and wished he hadn't. A girl was being killed and her screams were horrifying. He quickly stuffed his head back in Prussia's chest.

Prussia laughed "ya of course it's okay" he continued to stroke the back of his head.

"What about I tell you whenever there's a good part okay" he looked at the boy muffled in his shirt "or we could watch another movie or something else whatever you want Matt"

He felt a lot more calm snuggled up in Prussia's side.

"N-no. We are going to watch this one. It's your favourite, so I want to watch it!" Canada said, "And how about I watch it, and just tell me when there is going to be a bad part?"

"Okay but, I don't know if you want to watch this part, they caught the girl and now they are going to shave her hair off and beat her up"

Canada's jaw dropped, but he quickly closed it. "That's horrible, umm..." He slowly turned his head so he couldn't see the screen. He took a deep breathe and noticed how good Prussia smelt. He breathed in heavily to get another smell and sighed. Then he froze, hoping Prussia wouldn't notice what he just did.

"Everything after this part is okay except right at the end"

they continued to watch and the got to the part were the girl was about to kiss the man in the mask "it's kind of sad" Prussia broke the silence "they loved each other so much, but he saved her and since he loved her he wanted to see if he could trust her. So he got people to capture her and ask if she knew him and he tortured her and she still wouldn't admit it, but even after that happened she still loved him and now everyone is trying to kill him"

"Wow..." Canada had to pause for a bit. Although it was gory, it was deep. And he fully appreciated how much Prussia liked this. "That is sad. It was a really good movie though." Canada said, looking up at Prussia.

"Ya" Prussia sighed "it's to bad he died though" he looked down at Canada and smiled his hand tightened around Canada's waist. Prussia leaned down a bit "Matthew?"

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