Chapter Four

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I was trying to type some reports, but I kept feeling a stinging pain from the cuts on my arms. I thought about going to the infirmary, but it was too late. It was nearly time for the jog around the camp. I came to an end of the reports, and grabbed my jacket, and started to head out my cabin. To my surprise, I saw Steve waiting by my door, a medical kit in his hands.

"What are you doing here, Rogers?" I asked him. He held up the medical kit.

"It's my way of thanking you, for the wires," he said. I slightly smiled. Not many men I've met would do something like this.

"I'll give you five minutes. Then, we should get going to meet up with Lt. James." He shyly smiled, and we walked into my cabin. I sat on my bed, as Steve pulled a chair in font of me. I took off my jacket, as Steve opened the medical kit. Steve held up a napkin with some medicine on it.

"This might sting a little," he warned me. I nodded my head.

"I can handle it. I've been through worst than just-" I was cut off, by the pain I felt as Steve dabbed the napkin onto my cuts. I hissed at the pain I felt.

"Sorry." He quickly apologized. I shook my head.

"It's fine. Besides, it didn't hurt at all," I lied. Steve smiled slightly.

"Do you not admit to feeling pain, or something?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess not. I guess, it's something I've learned over the years."

"How long have you been here?" He asked.

"I've been here for three years. Since I was twenty-one, I've been in this division." I stated. Steve raises an eyebrow.

"For three years? Didn't you want to do anything, other than be in the army?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Not really. Growing up, I never knew what I wanted. But, I watched my father, who was a Colonel for the army, and I soon became envious of him. Sadly, he died when I was only thirteen. When I turned eighteen, I decided to go into the army, but my mother only allowed me to when I finish at least 2 years of college. I eventually made it here, three years later," I explained.

Not many people knew about my story. Only Peggy and Dr. Erskine knew about it. Not even Colonel Phillips knows about it. It's strange though. I'm telling Steve, who is practically a stranger to me, about my life story.

"Your officers must have thought you were one hell of a crazy woman," he said with a light chuckle. I smiled slightly and nodded my head.

"They did. The other recruitments weren't so fond of me. They didn't really like seeing a woman wanting to be a soldier. Peg-," I corrected myself, "Agent Carter was there for me. She understood how it felt to be the only female. I guess, our friendship started from then." I said, smiling as the memory came to mind. Steve began to wrapped a bandage around one of my arms. "You're very sweet, Rogers." I complimented him.

" can call me Steve," he said softly. I smiled.

"Danielle, my name is Danielle. But you can only use it when it's just the two of us." He nodded his head, and slightly smiled.

"You know, Steve, I've never met someone like you. You're quite small, yet you never give up. "You're very different, Rogers." I said in awe.

"Why? Because of my poor health?" He asked. I shook my head.

"You have something these soldiers don't have," I pointed to his chest, "heart." I said. Rogers gazed up into my eyes, as I looked into his. I gave him a warm smile, which cause him to smile back, making his blue eyes sparkle at my grey eyes. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were. Nor did I know about the sparkle he had in them. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. And I...I kind of liked the feeling, yet I didn't like it at the same time. It was all too strange to me.

"Lt. Thomson!" I heard Lt. James' voice as he bursts into my cabin. Steve and I quickly direct our attention onto Lt. James. I cleared my throat, straightened my posture.

"Yes, Lt. James?" I asked. He pointed to his watch.

"It's time to run around the camp, and I'm missing a soldier and an instructor." He said. I nod my head.

"Rogers and I were just leaving," I said through a nervous smile. I stood up, and Steve followed Lt. James and I out my cabin. As Lt. James tried to talk about me for the training plans for tomorrow, I couldn't pay attention. My mind was somewhere else. To be exact, it was on someone else.

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