Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I was putting on my gloves as I stopped and admired the ring on my finger. I smiled at the memory of how Steve proposed a few weeks ago. I still couldn't get over the idea that we're actually getting married. It was almost like a fantasy. "Lieutenant!" I heard Natasha's voice call my name, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at her. "We're going over the plan," she said. 

I nodded my head and joined her and Steve's side as we gathered around with Clint and a few other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. I noticed Steve flash me a small smile and I couldn't help but blush slightly. "Okay, the Prime Minister is being held here," Clint pointed to a room on the map we were looking over. "I'm going to need the Captain and Lieutenant to get there without alarming anyone."

I nodded my head, "got it." I said. 

"The S.T.R.I.K.E. team and I will watch the perimeters. Nat, you're going to the control room and watch over everything. If anything doesn't seem right, you call it out. Got it?" Clint said.

She nodded her head, "got it." She said. He then went over some things with the S.T.R.I.K.E. team as Natasha, Steve, and I finished getting ready. I took one last look at my ring before putting my glove onto my left hand. "Is that the only thing on your mind?" I looked at Natasha. "You've been staring at your hand constantly. You don't wanna be thinking about that when someone has a gun pointed at you." She said with a small smirk. 

"It's not the only thing on my mind. Besides, I'm sure Steve here would just throw his shield at someone if they had their gun pointed at me," I chuckled lightly, "he's done it numerous times." She smiled slightly as she rolled her eyes. 

"Have you guys picked a date yet?" She asked as she loaded her guns and placed them into her holsters. I nodded my head. 

"I was thinking mid August. That gives us the next three months to plan it all," I told her. I then grabbed my guns and loaded then and placed them into my holster. 

"Are you sure that's enough time? I mean, you two have been pretty busy with missions." She said. 

"I think we can manage," Steve said as he walked beside me, putting his shield on his back. "It couldn't be that difficult to do, right?" He said. I smiled slightly. 

"Yeah, we're heroes. We managed to stop a power-crazed Nazi and saved the world. Twice at that. Nothing could be that difficult for us." I said. She shrugged her shoulders.

"You're saying that now. Wait 'til you you start planning. It's gonna be a nightmare," she said as she began walking away. 

"And how would you know this? I highly doubt you've been married." I called after her. 

She smirked slightly, "I've done undercover work before. I've experienced many things when going for my target." She called back. I smiled slightly and placed my mask over my head. And joined the others.

* * * *

Steve and I were against the wall, keeping a close eye out for any soldiers. We're supposed to be sneaking into a highly secured facility, grab the Prime Minister, and get out without any issues. Seems easier than what it was like in the past. Makes me think of when the Howling Commandos used to infiltrate the HYDRA facilities. 

"Over there," Steve pointed to a guard as they walked to the highly secured door. I looked around and there were no cameras and luckily no one else was there. I took out my gun and aimed it at the man. After focusing on my sight, I shot the gun and then man went down. I smiled happily and rushed to the body. I grabbed his card and we both quickly hid the body. 

I then scanned the car and we entered the building. "Nat, are you in the control room yet?" I asked into my headset. I didn't hear anything and I looked at Steve a little worried. "Nat?" I quietly called to her. A few moments later, I heard her panting slightly.

"Yeah, just made it." She answered. I nodded my head and Steve and I continued walking through the halls. It seemed really quiet and empty. I couldn't help but feel even more skeptical about it. We came to an empty hallway and I saw heavily sealed doors. 

"That's where the Prime Minister is supposed to be held at." Steve said. 

"Yeah, but no one's here. You'd expect better security," I pointed out. Steve began walking down the hallway, making his way closer to the doors. As he reached out for the door, a woman suddenly came out and cut Steve in the arm. He quickly swung to hit her, but stopped himself. "Hit her!" I called to him. He glanced at me and then back at the woman. 

Just as his eyes met her, she greeted him with a roundhouse kick to the face. He stumbled away, dazed slightly. "I can't-" He stopped as he dodge her as she lunged her dagger at him. "-Hit a woman-" He finished as he avoided another swing. I aimed my gun at her and shot at her as I began walking down the hallway. She managed to avoid my bullets and sent Steve to the ground with a powerful hit to the stomach. 

"I sure as hell can," I said as I charged at her and shot my guns. She was dodging them with such ease, and I'll admit, she was starting to anger me with that. When I got close enough, I threw a gun at her and just as I suspected, she would dodge it and I saw an opportunity. As she moved out the way of the gun, I quickly kicked her in the stomach, sending her a couple of feet. 

I smirked slightly and charged at her. I raised my arm up, ready to bring down a strong punch, when she kicked me in my nose, sending me back, stumbling to the ground. I touched my nose and saw blood on my glove. She's definitely dead now. She took out some daggers and began throwing them at me, but I rolled away from them and managed to roll near Steve's shield. 

I quickly grabbed it and hid behind it as she threw another dagger at me. I then shot my other gun at her as I stood up and charged at her. When I neared her, I threw my gun at her, hitting her in the stomach and having the shield meet her face, immediately knocking her unconscious. I looked at Steve as I breathed heavily. 

"Sometimes, there's a time to not be a gentleman." I told him. He nodded his head and I handed him his shield. "And she hit like one hell of a man," I said as I moved my neck.

"Like you don't." Steve snorted. I shot him a look and he shyly smiled. 

"It's nice and light. Howard wasn't lying then." I noted. He smirked slightly. "But I still prefer my guns over it," I said as collected my guns from the floor. 

"Well, let's get the Prime Minister then." He said. I smiled slightly and walked to the doors. 

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