Chapter Twenty-Two

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It's been a few days since I re-entered the world. It's changed incredibly since 1945. The cars were similar, but more advanced looking. There's this thing called 'the internet', which seemed to have a lot of information on practically everything. When I was at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquaters, I was helped by an agent and they showed me how to work the internet. I don't really know how to use it exactly, but it's still very fascinating to me. But, even with all the new things, I can't help but think about Steve. 

Steve means everything to me. He's just as important as my mother and Peggy. He was one of very few people who knew about how I came to join the army. He was always there for me, but I was blind. He made one mistake and I held it against him for a long time. Because of that anger and the jealousy I felt, I couldn't tell him how I felt. I couldn't admit to Steve, that I loved him as well. Now, I have to reply on S.H.I.E.L.D. on finding him and hoping he's alive, so I can finally tell him. 

I was in the kitchen, listening to an old record by The Rice Brothers Gang. I listened as the song, 'You Are My Sunshine', played. I couldn't help but think of my mother. She used to sing that song to me, whenever I visited her. Her voice always made me smile, no matter how I was feeling. I was making myself breakfast and I was enjoying it quite a lot. 

Considering that I've lived off army food, for three years, I've missed real food. I missed being able to enjoy bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast. I missed being able to have orange juice to drink, instead of water all the time. I missed a lot of things since I've been in the army. While my friends from high school got married and began their families, I was busy fighting in the war, risking my life. 

As I was eating my breakfast, I decided to watch some TV. That wasn't very difficult for me. It was just as simple as listening to records. Just at the press of a button, I could see many types of things on TV. I would watch the news and learn some things about 'The New World'. As I was watching TV, I heard a knock at my door. I got off my couch and walked to the door. When I opened the door, I saw Agent Coulson, a huge fan of Steve and I, and he seemed to be holding a file. 

"Hello, Agent Coulson. What brings you here?" I asked him. He held the file toward me. 

"We found all the information on Sydney Diane Thomson that we could." He told me. My eyes widened slightly, and I quickly took the file. I opened it and I scanned the information. My eyes widened more and I gasped.

"She's still alive," I said in a light whisper. 

"Yes. We found her located in Marydale's Institution." He told me. I looked up at him. 

"Can you take me there?" I asked hastily. He nodded his head. "I'll be ready shortly." I told him. He walked into the apartment and I shut the door behind him. I quickly freshened up and put on a simple sun dress that I had bought from the store the other day. Once I was finished, Agent Coulson took me to Marydale's Institution. The whole ride there, I couldn't help but be nervous, but also happy. In the file, it said that my mother was 108 and I couldn't help but think about the years I missed with her. I couldn't watch her turn 40 or 60. I missed all those times with her.

Once we arrived, Agent Coulson let me enter alone. As I walked in, I saw tons of elderly people and some nurses. I made my way to the front desk, to see a receptionist hanging up a phone. "Excuse me, but may you help me?" I asked her. 

"Sure sweetie, what is it?" She asked me. 

"I was wondering what room Sydney Thomson is in?"

"What is your relation to her?" She asked me. I thought about what to say. I didn't know whether to make up a lie, or tell her the truth. Admit to being her daughter, who should be 93 years old. 

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