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"Wanna go to my room?" After a little bit of kissing, Cassidy asked David. He nodded his head, biting his lip and holding onto Cassidy's hand as she pulled him into a room.

"Scotty, I don't think this is a good idea. What if Liza doesn't take him back because of this?" Kristen watched the door close behind Cass and David. She was worried. Everyone in this room had a phone and could post pictures.

"Don't worry about it. They will be back together in no time." Scotty kissed Kristen to ease away her worries and after the kiss, Kristen took a drink of her beer and watched the door.

When the door closed behind David and Cassidy, Cassidy removed her shirt. David looked at her. She was stunning and he wondered if she was a model.

"You want to do this?" She smiled at him, placing her hands at the bottom of his tee shirt.

"Of course." David leaned down to kiss her again and closed his eyes. They moved closer to the bed and as they collapsed onto the bed, he opened his eyes to see Liza where Cassidy had been.

"Hey baby." David stood up quickly and shook his head.

"No no there is no way." David opened his eyes again to see Cassidy with her hand on his back.

"What's wrong, David?" She seemed so nice but David knew in his heart and mind that he was not ready to go there with any girl yet.

"I don't think I can do this tonight, Cassidy. You seem very nice but there is someone I am just not over yet. Thanks for a fun party, but I think I'm gonna head out." David handed Cassidy her shirt, and she kissed his cheek as she put it back on.

"Well whoever she is, she is one lucky girl." David walked out and said goodbye to Scotty and Kristen before walking out the door. Kristen walked into the room, where Cassidy was still sitting.

"Well did something happen?" Kristen sat down next to Cassidy and was nervous this whole plan was about to backfire.

"Nope. He was about to and then he just stopped. He is still in love with someone. I'm sorry I couldn't help, Kris." The two hugged and Cassidy went back to the party.

"Man, I really hope this works." Kristen looked down at her phone at the photos of David kissing Cassidy and walking into the room with her.

kmcat45: you didn't get these from me (2 attachments)

exposetuber: why?

kmcat45: no questions. Just post.

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