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Did David remember the party? Not really. Did David remember leaving the party? Not in the slightest. He remembered a little bit of dancing with different girls. He remembered Corinna asking him if he was okay and them leaving. He remembered a pretty blonde girl he bumped into and stood for a second in the wake of the beauty that was her green eyes. Then he remembered what he guessed to be her boyfriend yelling at him and punching him, the pretty blonde girl screaming at him to stop.

Yeah, maybe that's why he didn't remember anything.

David woke up to Corinna pressing a cold ice pack to his head and his group of friends all standing back watching.

"David, you're awake." Scotty spoke and they all clamored closer to David. He smiled and considered making a pun, but his head shot him with pain at that thought.

"What happened last night?" Toddy asked and Corinna sighed. She was just trying to push the thoughts to the back of her mind and David ended up getting punched in the face. Corinna had noticed Toddy walking upstairs with another girl and was breaking on the inside, and Toddy didn't remember any of it. She looked at him with sad eyes and he looked back at her with confusion.

"I remember this really pretty blonde girl and standing there and then getting punched by her boyfriend." David recalled what he remembered, and Dom just laughed.

"Dude, you said you were vlogging and that you two should make out. You kissed her and that's why her boyfriend punched you." Dom gave David a little insight and he just held his head in his hands.

"Who was that girl?" David asked, to see if anybody knew her and everybody shook her head.

"I don't think she watched your vlogs. However, she did say that her friend watched a guy who vlogs like every other day and pranks his friends." Alex remembered and with that, David had an idea. He whipped out his vlog camera and started recording.

"Hey so I kissed a girl with a boyfriend last night while at a party and I got punched cause of it. However, I would like to know who that girl is, so if you are the pretty blonde girl who I met at the party last night, hit any of us up so that I can see you again."

On The Way (David Dobrik)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें