Part three~

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Part three~

Rukis POV the day after on the train home from Kai~

I put my headphones on and start some good music. A tragic love song about a couple there one of them die in a car crash and the other one is broken for her girlfriends death plays in the headphones. It is really beautiful.. Would Reita feel the same if I died?

The music makes me fall asleep on the train...

Me and Reita is out driving. Reita drives and I am sitting with a book, very concentrated in it. Reita picks up his phone and starts to type something, I can feel that the car isn't driving straight forward when he has the phone up.

"Reita, put it do-"

I can't say more before collides with something. Another car. The front of the car compresses and I can feel a pain in my legs. I also hit med head into crossed glass and I get the shattered glass all over myself which leaves cuts all over me. Blood is trailing down my temple.

My sight isn't that clear, and I am almost to weak to look at Reita, but I use all the power I have to look at him, and I see worst that I could see. His chest is bleeding, it never stops. The surroundings around him is drenched in blood. I use powers I don't have to press me hands over the wound close to his almost non-beating heart to stop the bleeding. It doesn't work, the blood is slipping through my fingers and drenches my hands.

"Reita, no.." I whisper in sorrow.

His heart beats slower and slower and I can feel it stop beating.

"Reita? Reita! Reita no! No! Don't leave me! No! Come back!" I cry.

Behind my bad sight and shattered glass I can see blue sirens...

"Hello! This is the final destination! Sir! Wake up!"

I slowly open my eyes and see one of the girls that works on the train standing in front if me. Puh, it was just a dream. But wait... Final destination!? I would have jumped of the train two hours ago!!

"Oh, thank you for waking me up." I tell the girl and get of the train.

Well done Ruki.... Two hours away from home...

Right then so could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pick it up and see that it's Reita that calls me. Good timing! He is surely worried that I am not home right now.

I press the green phone and put it by my ear.

"Hey sweetheart." I say.

"Ruki! Where are you? You should be home two hours ago!"

Yes, he is worried.

"Uhm, yeah... I fell asleep on the train and now I am two hours away from home..."

"Puh, I thought something had happened to you, so that's a relief, but you are so clumsy! I come to pick you up, stay there okay?"

"Okay Reita."

We end the call and I seat myself on a bench in waiting for Reita to come.

It will take him two hours to come, I will become really bored, a coffee would taste good now. I make my way to a cafeteria on the train station to buy a coffee. I buy a white mocha latte with cream and caramel sauce. It's my favourite. I walk back to the bench and enjoy my coffee for two hours until Reita comes.

I get a new call from Reita.

"Helloooo my darling." I say.

"Hey love, I am in the car behind you."

I turn around and see Reita sitting in our car with waved down window, waving at me. I wave back.

"I'm coming sweetheart."

I end the call and walk to the car with Reita.

"Hey my clumsy Ruki, did Kai have something interesting to say when you visited him?" He asks when I am in the car.

"The same as always I guess." I answer and fasten my seatbelt.

"And what is that then?"

"No, nothing special."


We are driving for an hour, when I start to think about the terrible dream I had. It was happening on the road, and now we are on the road. I can feel the anxiety rise inside me and I can feel it gets harder for me to breath.

"Reita... I can't breath..." I say and start to gasp for air.

The panic rises in Reitas eyes and he starts to drive faster, too fast.

"I am driving you to the hospital Ruki, it's okay. We are soon there!"

He drives faster the whole time.

"Reita... *gasping for air* slow down!!" *gasping for air*

"I can't slow down! You might die!"

We are behind a huge truck that drives slow and we can't see if there is coming any cars towards us because the truck is in the way.

"Don't drive...*gasps for air* past it Reita!"

He doesn't care about what I said, he drives out to drive pass the truck, but there is another car coming right then. CRASH!

This is not a dream. The front of the car compresses and I feel the worst pain in my legs ever. The glass shatters and it leaves cuts all over myself, my sight is unclear and I can hear Reita trying to breath. I turn my head towards him and so that his face is drenched in blood. One of his ribs is broken and I guess that has pierced his lung.

"Reita..." I whisper and I can se blue sirens coming towards us.

"Reita, you're gonna fix this..."

I can't remember more, I can just feel myself going out of consciousness...


I open my eyes and my first right is the white ceiling of the hospital.

"Ruki, can you hear me?" Kai says.

"Kai..." I whisper.

"Oh Ruki! You are awake! You have been asleep for seventeen hours!"

My sight isn't clear at all. I can't almost see.

"Kai, where is Reita?"

Kai fall silent.

"Well, he is in the room next to you.. He might not survive..."

I can feel the tears boiling up in my eyes.

"It's my fault... It's my fault for getting an anxiety attack.., and that I didn't tell him about it.. Everything is my fault..." I start to cry and Kai is out of words.

"It should have been me, not him!"

"Ruki...shh, it's not your fault." Kai says to calm me.

"Yes it is my fault!!!"

A nurse is coming into the room.

"I have clearance about Reita... Oh my god, how are you feeling Ruki..." She asks.

"He thinks that this is his fault." Kai explains.

"Oh no Ruki, it's not your fault, it's no ones fault..."

I start to cry harder and I can't calm down.

"Ruki, I am so sorry, I need to give you tranquilliser so you can calm down."

My teary sight darkens as soon as a feel something pierce my arm and all over again I am going out of consciousness...

To be continued...

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