Part seven~

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Part seven~

Next day~

I am greeted by Reitas sleeping face when I wake up in the morning.

"Good morning my angel." I whisper against his chest.

I am still in his arms, so I need to carefully crawl out of his embrace to get out of bed.

I walk out to the kitchen to make breakfast, but I find out that we are out if bread and milk, and bread is a must for Reita, and milk is a must in the coffee if I will drink it, so I need to get down to the store. I silently take shoes on and close the door to not awake Reita and walk to the store.

"Good morning Ruki!" The cashier says when I enter the little store under our apartment.

"Good morning!"

I take bread and milk. I will just go to the cashier, but something catches my attention. The magazines. Me and Reita are on the first pages on the half of the news magazines and the headlines are "REITA AND RUKI IS A COUPLE!!" "THE RUMOURS WERE TRUE!!" and on...

"Omg...." I can't really believe my eyes. Did the doctor, that has professional secrecy, tell the magazines about us?

I take one of every magazine and buy them too. The cashier looks at me like I were a completely idiot, but she put a fake smile on her lips.

"Have a good day!" She says with her creepy fake smile.

"Thank you.." I say shy and gets out of the store.

As fast as I get out of it I meet a girl that has just read the magazine probably.

"Gay..." She says and walks on.

The tears starts to escape my eyes. This wasn't just right. The magazines can't do things like this. It isn't even legal, or am I wrong?

I imprint the code to the port and walks up the stairs quickly to our apartment, afraid that a neighbour had read the news today and fount out about my and Reitas relationship. I get in to our apartment, puts the stuff next to the basin in the kitchen and start to cry more. How is this going to turn out? Is this going to be the end for the band, or for me and Reita? What is mom and dad going to say?

I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pick it up and answer the call.

"Hey Kai.." I say and sob a little.

"Omg Ruki! Have you read the news? This is terrible! This is not okay!" Kai says.

"Yes Kai, I have..."

"Does Reita know anything about it?"

"No, he is sleeping."

I start to cry more, Kai is like a big brother to me.

"Ruki, don't cry... Everything's going to be alright, okay?" Kai says to try to comfort me.

"No Kai, it's not going to be okay." I say.

"Yes, it is! You fixed the thing with the hospital, then you are gonna fix this too!"

He has a point actually..

"Okay Kai.. I am gonna fix this." I say without stopping crying.

"That's good! You're gonna fix this!"

"Yeah, thank you Kai. Bye."


We end the call and I sit down on the floor and continue to cry.

"Ruki? Are you alright?"

I look up and see Reita standing on the doorway. He is clearly worried.

"No Reita, I am not alright at all..."

He sits down next to me and embrace me.

"Reita... Do you remember yesterday, when I woke up on the hospital..?"


"The doctor... He told the magazines, we are on the first pages..."

Reitas eyes widens.

"We are what??!!" He asks shocked.

"I know, how is this going to turn out?" I ask and cry in to Reitas chest.

"Its gonna be okay love, trust me.." He says and kisses my forehead.

"I bought the magazines if you want to read." I inform him.

"Okay, I check them out." Reita says and let's go of me to take the magazines. He walks out to the living room with them and I walk after.

"Ruki and Reita was found on a bed on the hospital after an accident yesterday, making out when a doctor entered the room. The doctor found it disgusting." Reita reads.

I don't want to listen. This is not going to turn out well. What if something happens to me or Reita because of this. The anxiety is once again rising in me and Reita notices it.

"Ruki? Stay calm okay?" He says.

I nod.

"I will take a shower." I say without a reason. I just want to get a shower.

I get into the bathroom, strips and get into the shower. The hot water is trailing down my body and out to the drain. I take some shampoo in my hand and rub it out in my whole hair. It smells a little like roses.

When I am done I brush my hair and my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror while brushing. I spit the toothpaste out and continue to watch myself in the mirror. The anxiety makes me suddenly hit myself in the mirror and the glass shattered into thousands of pieces and I get one of them in my hand. It starts to bleed a lot.

"Aw shit!" I yell.

Reita is fast here and sees what has happened.

"Oh god! Wash the wound!" He says and starts the water. He takes my hand and begins to wash it.

"I need to get the piece of glass out." I say.

"I know, I will take it out with a tweezers." Reita says and takes out the tweezers of a case.

"Reita! It will hurt!" I whine.

"I know, but we need to get it out, you will get an infection if we not take it out." I says and pulls the piece of glass out, and it hurts.


"There there darling.."

Reita picks out some bandage of another case and twines it around my hand.

"My love, why did you hit your hand into the mirror?" He asks.

"Sorry, I got anxiety..."

"It's okay love, but I was so worried, I thought you wanted to hurt yourself.."

"No, that wasn't my point."

"Okay good." Reita says and kisses me.



"What are we going to do?" I ask carefully.

"I don't know, but we are gonna fix this, okay?"

I nod in respons.

"What about eating breakfast now?"

"Sound good." I say and force a smile to my lips..

To be continued..

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