Part nine last part~

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Part nine last part~

Just like Reita said, we would live on as usual even if the news about our relationship was spread the worldwide. Actually, we got so much hate and many false rumours about the band that we took a decision to have an hiatus for three years. That was really good actually, during that time me and Reita could move it from our little apartment to a big house, get married and get our little Kaemon. Yes! We got a child! We were so happy when we got him! I still can't believe that he is ours, even if it's two years ago now.

Right now, I am sitting backstage, about two hours before our come back live starts, and I am feeding Kaemon with some porridge. Like any other two years old, he is a messy eater and has the porridge all over his face. Reita is sitting next to me and tuning his bass.

"Daddydaddydaddy!" Kaemon says and ranging for Reita.

Daddy is the only word he has learnt so far and he is always referring to Reita.

Reita looks up from his bass.


Kaemon starts to laugh his wonderful little baby laugh.

I smile a little and continue feeding him with the porridge.

I am actually a little bit nervous about our comeback. Because I don't know how the fans are going to react about our relationship, even if that news people has stopped to talk about. But I am still nervous! I am a little ridiculous.

"Ruki? Are you nervous?" Reita asks.

"Yeah... You know about our relationship... I know people has stopped talk about it, but I am still nervous."

"I understand, I am nervous too." Reita says honestly.

Kaemons porridge is all in his little belly, except the half of it that is in his face. I take a piece of paper and wash it away.

"Have you ever been thinking of that, if there was nothing strange with being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, inter gender, gender fluid, coming from another part if the world or looking different, if everyone just could accept everyone for who they are, this world would be great to live in. And instead of hating and fighting we could everyone help each other, that would be great. But I guess that is just my crazy fantasy that imagines a world like that." I say.

Reita puts his bass away and embraces me from behind when I am playing with a baby toy with Kaemon.

"That would be an amazing world. And I do believe that the world could turn out like that..." He says.

"Do you?"

"Yeah, we can't maybe change it, but if we raise our kids without any kind of gender norms, and the next generation teaches their kids the same as we teach them now, this will soon be like your imagination. Our grandchildren could live in a great world."

"Aww Reita, you are an amazing person!" I say and kiss him.

Right then Uruha is running into the room.

"C'mon! The live starts now in five minutes!" He says and runs out again.

How did the time just run away like this??

"Okay, I am leaving you with manager-san now Kaemon, daddy and daddy Ruki are coming back soon my boy." I say to Kaemon.

Me and Reita runs to the others by the stage.

"Ready guys?" Aoi asks.

"We are ready." Kai answers.

I can hear the fans screaming from the front of the stage.

"Kai, you start to go out."

Kai walks out on the stage, waving at our fans that screams when they see him, and walks over to his drums he has missed a lot.

"Next out is Reita."

Reita has his bass hanging around his shoulder and he runs out a jumps on the stage. The fans screams so I think my ears are going to explode.

"Aoi and Uruha at the same time."

Just like Reita, both Aoi and Uruha runs out of the stage and jumps and the fans screams again.

"And Ruki, you're the last one." Manager-san says. He is holding Kaemon.

"Wish us good luck Kaemon." I say and I walk out on the stage and once more the fans screams their lungs out.

"Have you people out there missed us?" I shout in the microphone and the fans scream a loud 'yes'.

"Do you know what? We're back!" I shout and the first song starts to play, it is Cassis.

The fans are singing along with me and my band members are really happy that we are playing together again.

"I have something to say to you all." I say when we've finished Cassis, thinking of my and Reitas conversation back stage.

"You all out there so surely know why we had a hiatus. It was because a lot of hate and false rumours after you knew the news about my and Reitas relationship. I don't know about him, but I have been going through some papain because of this. What I have learnt, is that I am still a precious person. What I want to say, is that it doesn't matter if you are straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, gender fluid, inter gender, where in the world you come from, what you look like and on. You are precious."

A silent tear escape my eye when I say this, and I am looking at Reita occasionally.

"If we just learn to accept everyone for who they are, this world will be a so much better place. Raise your kids without any kinds of gender norms, and they will maybe not raise their kids with gender norms. We can do this! We can make this world to the perfect world everybody wants to live in! But we need to fight for it! I am not going to raise my child with any kind of norms. I wish you to do the same! Together we can do this!"

I look over the crowd of viewers. They are just staying quiet.

"That was what I wanted to say to you." I say.

The whole crowd breaks out in applauds and happy shouts.

I smile and the next song starts to play..

After the live~

The fans are still applauding after we left the stage.

"The Gazette is back in town!" Aoi ahours happy.

Kaemon is running to me and hugs my leg.

"Great show." He says.

"Aww Kaemon! You've learnt new words! I'm proud!"

I lift him up and kiss my son.

"You know what Kaemon? I love you, even if you turn out to be a girl or neither a boy or a girl one day. Or if you are coming home with a boy. You understand?"

Kaemon nods just as if he understood, even if I know he didn't.

Reita comes up behind is.

"That speech was great my love." He says.

"I know, our fans proved it to me.."

The end.

I don't know if you have noticed it, but I have given extra much of myself and some of the most important statements today to this story. The statements are don't have your phone when you are driving, dare to tell people if you are having any kind of psychical problems, there is always help you can get if you need it, and that we have to accept every one for who they are! I think these three are the most important, because this could save thousands of lives!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story, and the next I am up to write is about Biosphia, so if you are a fan of them, stay updated by following me and in a early future you can read about them!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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