Part eight~

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Part eight~

I told Reita to go back to read hos bass magazine or something so I could fix the breakfast. He didn't resist, he hates to fix breakfast, it's cute actually.

I put the ham and cheese in nice plates, butter in a little bowl, milk in a pitcher, bread in a breadbasket, and I put forks to take the ham and cheese with, a knife to take butter and two glasses. That's what we have on our breakfast table.

"Reita! Breakfast is ready!" I shout from the table I am already sitting by.

Reita never comes out.

"Reita! Put the magazine away!"


"Oh for gods sake!"

I rise from the chair to pick up Reita in the bedroom. When I enter the door I see that he has fallen back asleep.

"Reita! What the hell!"

I walk over to him, sit on his stomach and start to tickle him. That is his weak point, being tickled.

When he feels my fingers tickling him he shuts his eyes open.

"RUUUUKIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!" He shouts and starts to laugh.

"You shouldn't have fallen asleep then!" I say and stop tickle him.

"Breakfast is ready." I say and get of of him.

"Okay, serve me." Reita says and pulls the blanket over his head.

"Oh c'mon! I've made the breakfast, if you want it you need to go to the kitchen." I say and walk back to the table.

I hear one of Reitas loud sighs and he walks out to me.

"Looks good sweetheart." He says and seats himself in front if me.

"It looks like at always does."

"Yeah, but it still looks good. And hey you, we will live on like this with the magazines never happened okay? Even if people starts to treat us bad, we won't let it influence us."

I nod.

We eat our breakfast in silence until the doorbell rings.

"I take it." Reita says and walks out to the hallway.

I hear Reita open the door and a angry voice of...DAD???

I do quickly run out to the hallway and I see dad pushing Reita against the wall, yelling to him.

"This is so disgusting! You have brainwashed my son to make him believe that he loves you! And you are a psychopath!" He screams in Reitas face.

"Dad! What the hell are you doing to him!"

Mom is also here, but she is just watching.

I pull Reita away from dad and hold him close.

"He hasn't made me believe that I love him! I LOVE him!!!!" I shout at my dad.

"That's bullshit! You should have let him died instead of giving your organ to him!" Dad shouts back to me.

"But I love him and I didn't want him to die! You are the psychopath!"

Dad's face grows red of anger. He is clearly pissed of.

"You can't love another man! That is sick!"

"You are sick that can't see the happiness between us! I love him! Just like you love mom! It's no difference!" I shout, and now am I angry too.

Mom shakes her head.

"You have disappointed me Ruki..." She says.

"Why? Because I fell in love with someone of my own gender?? You are also sick! I can't believe that I have got sick parents and been this smart myself!"

"You have crossed the line!" Dad shouts.

"Let us be! We are grown men and we can take our own decisions without parents that no longer has anything to do with their children's life!" Reita shouts to mom and dad.

They just stay silent.

"Did we win this game?" I ask.

They still don't say anything, they just give Reita an death glare and leaves. But before I close the door behind them I hear moms voice.

"You are not welcome back home again." She says.

"I don't want to be welcomed to you either, and you aren't welcome here." I say and shut the door.

I turn around towards Reita and I see that he is trembling.

"Reita, we won't see them again now. It's okay. Their words aren't true at all love." I say and hug him.



"Today, we just stay home. Okay?"

"Sounds good love."

Reita leans in over me and our lips meet in a soft kiss.

"Let's take the dish away from the table." I say.

"Okay, you do." Reita says.

"I put it on the table! You take it away!"


Reita walks out to the kitchen and starts to take the breakfast away.

It is amusing to see. He puts the ham in the cheese boxes, the cheese with the milk, the milk with the juice and the ham with the soda in the fridge. But I don't say anything..

"Reita.." I whisper to myself and throw myself in the sofa in the living room. I pick up Reitas bass magazine and I read a little in it about the new model. It looks quite nice.

"Ouch!" I hear Reita shout from the kitchen.

"Reita? What did just happen?" I ask.

"I dropped a fork at my foot." He answers.

"Clumsy..." I say.

Right now, I am happy. I have for the moment almost forgotten about the magazines. I am free from my harassing parents, I am with my clumsy Reita, could life be better?

To be continued...

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