chapter 1

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Hoseoks POV June 15 3:26

"Hoseok! Come here help get all this crap out of the car!" My mom yelled. I huffed not wanting to move in with this man. He was so strict about everything, maybe because he was former military.

My mom was extremely strict as well, she was a strong-willed Catholic. Although it's not the fact that she loves God, I love him too...but do I support all his ways? No. He just happened to not agree with the whole gay thing. A lot of my friends and I were gay. Heck, the best power couple I know is Namjoon and Jin, second would be Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin and Jackson were a close 3rd.

I walked out to the grey flex van. The tiny gravel spraying beneath me. I grabbed the bags throwing them over my back. Fortunately for us, we only had clothes to worry about since we were living with my grandparents, we didn't have to bring furniture. I trudged into the big 3 story house. The middle level was the main level. Then the basement was Yoongi's and I's room was. My parents and a guest room with bathrooms up upstairs.

The first room walking in was a big living room, open space to the kitchen. All the furniture was the chic modern black leather style. I threw my moms bags on the ground and took mine to my room in the basement. Yoongi was right there at the basement door. Yoongi was my older "brother" I could never look at him that way though. I turned 18 not too long ago so I was just a few months younger than Yoongi...I just... I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, but I didn't want to be the weird little gay brother.

"Oh, sorry Hyung," I said Bowing he clicked his tongue while rolling his eyes. He walked over to his father. Who stood tall with a bald head, his face had a permanent scowl. His Skin was a dark dirty tan, wrinkled and stained with old spots. His jaw not really existing, almost as if his neck swallowed it up whole. James was his name, I had to address him as Mr.Min because that's how he liked it.

Yoongi, however, was opposite of his dad. Yoongi's frame was small and thin, his skin; a milky pale, smooth, and fragile. His hair was a soft white as well, like freshly fallen snow. Complimenting his dark honey, chocolate pools. I hoped his body never had to hold any heavy burdens on it like mine. His body was flawless and beautiful godlike if you will.

I shook that thought out of my head as he left out the door in a hurry, most likely going out with friends. I walked down the stairs stopping at the foot of them noticing how cold and chill it was. There was a door to the right of the steps leading outside. I faced to the left in the hall, my door the first on the right Yoongi's last on the right. A bathroom in the middle on the left. The carpet had old food spills and something that I hoped was cool aid and not blood.

I walked into my room it had had a small dresser with nothing on it, but a mirror over top, my bed tucked into the corner with a lamp on the nightstand right beside it. My bedspread was multi-colored and not equal to anything in the room, and the carpet was a rugged messy cream color, with stains in it as well. I slid my clothes bags under the bed mumbling to my self.

"I will put it away later," I looked around the room for places to put my Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titans posters. As I found empty wall space and threw myself on the bed Quickly realizing the springs were breaking and the mattress was too old to be comfortable. I laid there staring at the ceiling. Soon I heard heavy steps coming down the stairs. I went to put my phone on the charger When James barged in. He paused as he then forced a smile, but it looked painful. Like the man had never truly smiled in his life. He walked over and grabbed my phone out of my hands.

"What's this Hoseok?" I wanted to Laugh what the hell kinda question is that it's a phone dumbass.

"Mr.Min that's my phone...I was gonna plug it in." He laughed. which threw me off. Not because he was laughing, but how forced and horrifying it sounded. Almost like it was brutally violent and hard to get out. It made the hairs on my neck stand up like quills. It scared me so much I had to sit up on the bed, feeling vulnerable.

"I guess your mom forgot to tell you...all Electronic devices are banned from use without supervision of an adult...." He growled. I could have choked right there. Is he serious?? I kept giving him a confused look. His tall figure bent down to my level on the bed, as he mocked me in a kid voice saying." "You're not allowed your phone in your room...and I believe she did tell chose to ignore it so you're grounded for a week..... finish unpacking... Oh, and welcome to your new home." He walked out leaving me dumbfounded. I sat on the bed wondering what to do and how to process everything. My body felt warm again as I laid back down. Looking at the clock. maybe I can get some sleep?


Suddenly I was awoken by a knocking on the basement door. I got up groggy, tired and half asleep. I peeked at the clock.


I had slept through dinner and of course no one would have woke up their son to did I fall asleep so fast?

The knocking was again with a slight yell of my name. I went to the door to see a Yoongi. "Hyung what are-"

"Shut your damn trap you fool and open the door," he said through the locked screen door. The smell of alcohol was thick off of his breath.

"Hyung were you? Drinking?"

"Oh my god, Hoseok shut up." He hit me as I opened the door. I cowered to the side I hated getting yelled at and hit. He scoffed and went to my room. "Looks like you made your self at home... how long were you without a device?"

"I...I umm...what do you mean?" He Laughed.

"Your phone idiot you gotta be careful with that stuff here James is a real prick about that." I was confused by the sudden turn of his hatred towards me. He never yelled at me like this. He always was soft and kind to me This must of been his way of shutting people out. It hurt though he use to talk to me about everything and now he being rude to save me. I saw him slightly pale. He must have seen the confusion in my eyes. "Don't worry I just hate this place, more than you kow... And yes, to answer your last question I was drinking, got a problem with that?"

"I don't want you...." he ran to the bathroom throwing up. "Getting sick..." I rushed to the bathroom to check on him. I looked in his eyes. I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes. "Hyung you okay?" He didn't answer but instead, He froze looking at me and had a scared look on his face as James bellowed his name from upstairs.

Yoongi looked really angry. He pushed me against the wall his hand around my collar. "DAMN YOUR FUCKING LOUD ASS MOUTH!" He whisper screamed at me. Once again his name was called his father seemed even more irritated.

"YOONGI AND HOSEOK!" Why did he want me? Yoongi let go of my collar quickly and we both went up up the stairs. Yoongi went first. He turned to me before opening the door his voice was deep and horse which scared me.

"I am sorry...Hoseok I am scared I don't want to get beat." I would never have imagined this boy who is always angry and tough to everyone except me and my friends would be scared. However, he was and it was from pain. I don't want his beautiful body to go through pain he was beautiful. I felt for his hand once I found it it was almost as if a vibration was sent into my bloodstream. I rubbed my thumb over his tiny soft cold hands and squeezed it I felt him flinch as our names were called again. I let go and regretted it I knew this was gonna change everything.

Yoongi opened the door and was instantly pushed to the wall. His father angry as all hell. He kicked Yoongi in the stomach. "DAMN IT YOU DIDN'T ANSWER YOUR DAMN PHONE YOU SHIT!"

"I don't have it... I am grounded." He got another kick. I felt mortified as I watched the entire thing. Blood becoming visible in his father's eyes as it dripped from Yoongi's lip.

"THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO OUT YOU IDIOT!" I saw as Yoongi was instantly kicked and knocked out. I whimpered which was the wrong thing to do. James looked at me through the crack of the basement door I was using to shield myself. He had a fire in his eyes. "AND YOU! Your mother is gone out shopping...I think it's time to show you the house rules. First..." he pushed me to the wall. "You don't question what I tell you to do...also you don't tell your mom about anything...okay."

I nodded my head. He smacked me across the face." First thing is clean up this faggots blood and put him in bed." Then he walked off I noticed the beer in his hands.

He must be so drunk that his true personality is showing...Oh God help us all.

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