Chapter Six

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We kissed. 

Finally, after the suspense and events since the last time our lips found each other, it happened again. This time, I was afraid of FP going back, regretting it, but as we continued the fear washed away. I had him just where I wanted him, attached to me. We moved to the wall, where we broke contact as I hit it, knowing I'd have a bruise in the morning. He pulled my shirt up, removing it, and then my bra with one movement. Although it was extremely sexy, it made me wonder how many times he'd done it with another woman. "God, I've wanted to do this since I first saw you." He spoke against my breath, pushing himself onto me, hands trailing to my jeans. I helped him get them off quickly, only wanting one thing at that moment in time. It had been the one thing on my mind for a very long time, and I was determined to have it. 

He lifted me up, and naturally I wrapped my legs around his lower torso, allowing him to enter me. We both moaned, and I felt myself go weak as I looked at his face. FP's head was tilted back in pleasure, however his eyes remained on me. He made me feel like a model; something of beauty by the way he insisted on keeping the gaze onto my face, and not my body or the ceiling. He was good at this, fucking fast and steady. Animal like, but he'd had at least twenty years experience of this. I'd previously had four or five sexual partners, but he'd probably had tens more. The Serpent life was something I could get used to, especially if it involved this. 
"Fuck." I muttered as he went deeper, and I watched as a grin grew over his face. The brown in his eyes glistened in the light, much like the sweat blooming through the stubble on his cheeks. I breathed deeply, feeling closer, and judging by his thrusts, he had been too. 

As I rode out my own orgasm, my eyes rolled back and my back arched. 
"You're so hot." He gasped, pulling out and cumming between us. 
"No condom?" I questioned, slightly concerned. He didn't reply, simply handing me the box of tissues, looking my body over again. I didn't want to push further and ruin what had happened, so I just trusted he didn't have any STIs. 

I began putting my discarded clothes back on, clammy hands grasping at the now wrinkled fabric. He too dressed, though all he'd had to do was zip up his trousers and button up the shirt he'd been wearing. My tits had been out, and I'd been left in only a thong. But the exposure didn't bother me, I'd wanted him to see me. I wanted him to torment himself with the image of me, coming back for more. Something I'd been left with for a week since he blew me off. The best part about clothing myself was putting my new skin on. Finally, my own leather. Though it hadn't felt as nice as FP's worn and torn piece, nor smelled as good, I still wished to worship it like my own child.

"Enjoy your new jacket, Jasmine." He said as I walked out of the office, a bounce in my step. I was internally screaming, knowing I had to tell Toni everything when we got back to hers. As I skipped down the steps, Sweet Pea's eyes met mine. He smirked when he saw my cheerful attitude. 
"It fits you well." He spoke, standing up. "Ready to go show Toni?" 
"Yes." I replied, more eager to tell her about FP than my new skin, and tattoo. 


"Hey." I said, as I walked through the trailer door. 
"You suit the Serpent look so well." Toni replied, eating a spoonful of ice cream, licking the spoon slightly seductively. I couldn't lie, I thought she was hot, and part of me wanted that cutlery to be me, though we were friends, and that would be more weird and impulsive than anything else.
"You know what else I suit?" I questioned, taking the spoon from her, and some of the strawberry desert. Smiling, I stuck it back in, then waltzing backward to sitting on top of the kitchen table and leaning on my arms. 
"Where's Pea?" Toni looked to the door, shutting it after seeing the parking space was free. "Back later?" 
"Yes." I spoke, disappointed with her lack of interest. She continued to eat, looking to me with confusion, before finally breaking. She sighed, asking. "What else do you suit, then?" 

"FP." I blurted, feeling a deep need to tell her everything. She put down the spoon, then the ice cream, standing directly in front of me. 
"Okay, tell me what the hell you're on about." She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for all of the gory details of the encounter, though I was sure she'd already guessed by the way I'd composed myself.
"I went into his office, he saw my tattoo," I took the sleeve of my leather off, still leaving the other arm on. "Then I kissed him. It was weird, but really heated. Then we fucked against the wall, and I left with Pea." 

Toni stared, her eyes wide. "Oh my God, Jasmine." She was speechless. 
I beamed at her, brushing back my hair through my fingers, then imagining it being FP's coarse hands, and working myself up again. 
"So, what are you going to do now?" Toni questioned. 
"I don't know, but I want him again. And again. And again." I admitted to her. He had a hold over me, and I couldn't get enough. "It was the best sex I've ever had, Toni, he is fucking amazing. And the look on his face, ugh." I sighed, pulling on the cling film over my wrist. Looking at the tattoo made me realise how deep in this shit I was. If we dated, I would be some sort of Serpent Queen. He'd been the King after all. 

"I think we should celebrate your little romance," She paused. "If I can call it that?" She added, standing up and walking to the sofa. I followed, throwing myself beside her and looking to what shit she was sure to put on. 
"Fraser? How is that celebrating?" I almost shouted, causing her to laugh. She pulled out a baggie beneath the couch cushion, filled with weed. 
"I got this earlier, care to share? Pea can have some too when he's back. I'll tell him to bring pizza." 
"You're an amazing friend." I said, allowing her to roll me a spliff, and light it between my lips. Inhaling, I felt my muscles relax, and like earlier, my eyes roll back. "It's been forever since I have had a zoot." I told her, causing her to chuckle between her own puffs. 
"It's rare I hear that phrase." Toni said, leaning back into the cushions. We decided on Pulp Fiction, a classic movie filled with rich content, though slightly confusing when you're not completely in the 'zone'. 

"Pizza!" Pea shouted, entering the small trailer holding three boxes of deliciousness, slamming the frail pvc door behind him. It was unclear as to weather everything seemed so little and fragile to Sweet Pea, as he towered so high, or whether he simply was battering everything he came into contact with. He threw the boxes down, each of taking one and beginning to eat. I handed him my spliff, letting him finish it as Toni rolled all of us new ones. This was the life, relaxing, stuffing our faces, smoking and forgetting important shit. 
"I love you guys." I said, raising one of the coke bottles that had come with the pizzas. 
"We love ya too." Pea replied, glass clinking with glass as we all drank. 

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now