Chapter Eight

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"Hey, where were you?" Jughead asked as I wondered, or more stumbled, over to them. I was slightly sore from my encounter, and slightly drunk from the amount of beer I'd drunk. I hadn't realised how much I'd consumed until not, at least five bottles. 

"I learned how to play pool." I blurted, blatantly not sober. This caused Toni, Pea and Fangs to laugh, and Betty and Jughead to share a concerned look between one another. 
"I'm gonna take you home." Jug said, ushering Betty to help pull me out of the bar. She complied, grabbing my other arm, I decided not to fight back and allow them to take me away. At least I would get to see FP in the morning, after staying at Jug's trailer. 

The walk home was a blur, and all I could feel was the ache in my feet due to my heels. I'd kept an arm around Jug the entire way home, attempting to stable myself, as although Betty was at my other side, she couldn't take my weight. Once outside his trailer, I took off my heels, shrinking back down to the mere five foot one. 
"Lay her on the couch." Jug told Betty, and soon I was sprawled across the soft, distressed sofa, head to the side, eyes closing. 
"Do you want me to walk you home?" Jughead asked Betty, and I assumed she shook her head as I couldn't hear an answer, only goodbyes.  

I woke up to the smell of Chinese, and the slam of the trailer door. Opening my eyes, I saw a hat-less Jughead, and FP holing a bag of goods. 
"I just got some random stuff, is that okay?" He questioned as I sat up, moving my feet to free up the space beside me so he could sit down. I nodded, thankfully accepting the tupperware container and digging into the noodles, or what seemed to be chow mein. 
"How are you feeling?" Jug asked, a mouthful of food himself. 
"Fine, thanks." I glanced over to him, then to FP, who seemed to be staring at me. It had crossed my mind to eat more seductively, but I really couldn't be bothered. I was just hungry, wanting the meal more than sex. 
"Thanks for letting me stay, Mr Jones." I said, in between a mouthful. He chuckled deeply, which oddly had turned me on. 
"Anytime, Jasmine." We made eye contact, and I knew he'd felt what I'd felt. If only Jughead weren't here. 
"You seeing Betty today?" I turned to face Jug again, smiling. 
"I don't know, why?" He looked confused. Of course, he had no idea what had happened between his father and I, and couldn't know for some time. 
"Just thank her for helping me home last night, please?" I asked, acting as if that was why I'd wondered. In reality, it was because all I could picture was his father's dick, and the smirk as he undressed me. 

"Can I smoke?" I asked, unsure of who to look at. I knew FP would have let me, but Jughead wouldn't. 
"Sure, sweetheart." My new found lover answered, reaching into his pocket to hand me a lighter, and I reached down to get the carton of cigarettes from my bad, lighting it. The end burned amber, and the grey fog arose. I inhaled. Exhaled. Finally, my mind cleared, and I put the rest of the food on the coffee table, sinking back into the lumpy cushion behind me. 
"Are you gonna eat that?" Jug asked, and I shook my head. He picked up the food, beginning to eat it himself. I smiled, taking another puff. He was so predictable, yet so innocent. Something his father wasn't. 

"Feel free to use the shower, and I'll let you borrow a shirt." FP said, standing up and walking to his room, then emerging holding a messily folded blue t-shirt, and a towel. 
"Thank you." I replied, deciding I'd wait a little while until Jug had gone out, so maybe FP would get into the shower with me. 

It had felt like forever before Jug finally changed, announcing his departure to Pop's with his Northside friends. And although he seemed sympathetic to leave me with his father, I was extremely thankful. This would mean I would get more alone time with the hunk that was Mr Jones. I watched Jughead leave, and listened out for the sound of his bike leaving before knocking on FP's bedroom door. 
"He gone?" He questioned. I nodded, looking over his body. He'd been led on his back, hands behind his head. My eyes scanned over the bulge in his jeans, and I smiled. Slowly, I unbuttoned my jeans, bending over as I took them off, exposing my cleavage and also my ass. I played with the edge of my shirt before eventually pulling it above my head, and throwing it to one side. FP's lips pulled into a smile, and his eyes glued to my body, observing every curve, crevice, stretch mark or scar. 

I turned, walking to the bathroom and turning the faucet, allowing the water to run. Of course, FP had followed me, and when I took off my underwear, he also undressed. The two of us stepped into the shower, and I let my hair soak up the water, and the liquid to run down my body. FP looked down at me, cupping my face before kissing me. It was blissful. Not fast, full of lust, but delicate and meaningful. This was a side I couldn't imagine him showing to me, however it was greatly appreciated. I wasn't sure whether to start any sexual acts when in this moment it felt like we were actually in a relationship rather than just fucking. 

We pulled away, and the sound of the trickling water became more apparent, yet still partially drowned out by my thoughts. 
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He stated, causing me to blush. 
"And you are." I moved my hand to his chest, the wet hair under my palm. I leaned in again, kissing him. 
"Make love to me." I whispered between the heavy breathing. I'd wanted to sleep with him, that had been the intention, but with the sweetness of the moment I'd deemed the word 'love' appropriate. He'd been hard, so it wouldn't be a problem. He nodded, moving the hand from my cheek to my thigh, lifting it and pressing my back to the wall of the shower, and going in. I moaned, mostly from anticipation, but also because I found this side of him wildly attractive. He went slowly, allowing us to share momentary kisses, and for me to wrap both my arms and legs around him, and press my torso against his. 

After the shower, the two of us retreated to FP's bed, only partially clothed. I wore only his shirt, and he wore only a pair of boxers. My head lay on his chest, fingers tracing circles. 
"What made you move to Riverdale?" I questioned him, sleepily. My eyes were heavy, but I refused to sleep. I wanted to make the most of the time I had before Jughead returned, or I would have to leave for Toni's. 
"When I was a kid, my parent's moved over here. I'd planned to leave after I turned eighteen, but of course the Serpents happened, and then Gladys fell pregnant with Jughead so I had to stay to support her. Turns out she was just gonna leave with my only daughter anyway, so I suppose I could have just upped and left when Jug was a baby. It would have prevented the pain she gave me." He expressed his emotional ache to me, to which I hadn't known how to reply. 
"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that." I said, trying to offer some sort of mental help, though I knew it was something anyone would have said to him. 
"It's okay. In all honesty I probably did deserve it, I was drinking constantly and spending most of my days at the Wyrm. I didn't offer much help with her and the kids." I could hear a crack in his voice. Picturing him in his unhappy marriage upset me, and yet also made me happy that he'd experienced somewhat happiness with me. His wife obviously used him for children, and gave up easily when problems emerged. I'd never do that to him, though. Or perhaps I was naive to compare myself to her. Would he ever think of us as a serious thing, or simply just something to forget in a few months.
"We don't have to talk about this if it's too much for you." I quickly interrupted, not wanting to upset him. 
"You opened up to me, I'm just tryin' to return the favor." He said, it was arrant he'd felt hurt. 
"You don't owe me anything. FP. You've already introduced me to a new family; people much better than those biologically connected to me. I've never felt more accepted." I admitted, attempting to made light of our conversation. If he could feel responsible for my own fairy tale ending, he might feel better in himself. 
"The Serpents aren't always sunshine," He paused, and I could feel his chest rise. "there's a lot darker depths I hope you don't happen to run into." FP added. He stopped himself from talking further, only exhaling a breath I didn't know he'd been holding. What had he meant, exactly? I pondered, trying to rack my brain for any information. He'd implied it had something to do with himself,  though I hadn't a clue what. 
"Well I can handle myself." I replied, finally closing my eyes. 
"I could get used to this." He whispered gently, before I gave in and began to sleep. 

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now