Chapter Twenty-Five

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I swallowed the drink hard. My throat burned; the alcohol was strong but this hadn't been why. I'd spent the past week searching, crying, drinking for Jasmine. If I'd have listened to her, if I would have taken her with me when I'd left none of this would have happened. Hearing about what had happened from Jughead was harrowing. I needed to comfort my son - I begged him not to blame himself, not to stay out late searching but he'd been so adamant. On the other hand, I knew I needed to comfort myself too. However, the whiskey in my hand was all the condolence I could find. The other Serpents were beginning to lose hope, most thought she'd been killed or they'd made her leave town. But I knew Malachai would have wanted to play with her first, which although sickened me, it gave me the dream that I'd find her again. When I did, I swear I was going to leave this forsaken town with her. 

"Dad." Jughead's voice was quiet. I turned my head slowly to look at him, and was met with a dry face. 
"Did you find anything, son?" Internally, I was screaming. I prayed to whatever psychopathic lord there may be that my girl was okay. I loved her. 
"We know the Gholies were working with Hiram. I think she could be in one of his buildings, it's the only explanation. They wouldn't have gone too far out, and I swear to God we've searched every abandoned place in Riverdale." I nodded, thinking. He could be right. Hiram had bought Southside High, The Register and probably a hundred other businesses. It was a lead for sure. 
"That's a good point, Jug. But it's midnight, I'll get up first thing tomorrow and start looking. Going into a Gholie's nest this time of night would be a suicide mission." I told him, but I knew I was going to go as soon as he fell asleep. I wouldn't let Jasmine stand another second of him, even if it meant putting myself at risk. But Jughead was in desperate need of even a few hours of sleep. 

He opened his mouth to fight my orders, but after a few moments shut it. He'd finally realised how tired he'd been, which was good for me. I listened to his footsteps fade gradually as Jughead went into his room, pouring my last drink before hearing his light flick off. I took the shot, stood and slowly walked toward the door. It wasn't too obvious I was drunk, I could probably fight them if need be. The only worry was how many there'd be. But I'd let them take me if it meant she was safe. After all, their hatred was with me, not her. 

The engine revved, and I left my helmet on the back for her. I wouldn't wear it now, it would be a waste of time to put it on and off. I needed to be quick, stealthy. The drinks in my body made me less fearful of being caught, besides I knew Jughead would find us soon enough. If need be, I would comfort Jasmine in our last moments before my men avenged us. All I cared about was her, and if I couldn't get out alive that would be okay. My first guess was Southside High, as she was a teenager, it would have probably occurred to him to use the symbolism. She should have been in school at the moment. Perhaps if I hadn't of met her, she'd be off to college next year. The thoughts were bitter to my mind, though it might have motivated me to find her. Eighteen was too young to die. 

The school was boarded up, spray paintings and chains thrown around walls and windows. I looked over them, finding Jughead's graffiti, along with a few of the other younger Serpent's names. Maybe if not for me, Jasmine would have ended up with Sweet Pea, or even Toni. God knows what she'd be doing now, probably still at home with her brothers. 
"I love you." She told me. We lay together, my hand around her back, caressing her skin. The light had hit it perfectly, framing small spots and blemishes. She'd been embarrassed by them, but I loved them for being a part of her. She was everything I'd wanted in a woman. The age gap had tricked me at first, I hadn't thought I would be able to have a mature relationship with a girl under twenty. She'd proved me so wrong. 

I thought back to small moments we had together, wishing I'd appreciated them more. As I brought the bold cutters to the chains around the doors, I noticed I was crying. My vision was blurred and sobs escaped my mouth. The loud clang signaled they'd been cut, and I reluctantly opened the doors. I wondered whether they'd have heard it, or if they were even here at all. I hadn't brought much with me, I assumed if I'd had to have fought I would use the bolt cutters, and then for light a torch. It was just as well I had taken it, as there was no light inside the school. 

It was so empty, lifeless. Much different to what it had been before, the walls seemed to cave in with lockers towering above my head. I thought back to when I'd came in to get Jughead from the principle's office, and how although the place was dingy, the students brought the school to life. They'd all been in gangs, yet they were still kids. The reality of Riverdale, even of the US was sad, children introduced to drugs, guns and whatever violence suited them. It seemed members of gangs got younger, and teenage pregnancies, deaths, overdoses got higher. At least I knew with Jug that I could trust we wouldn't do anything like that. If he'd gotten Betty pregnant I knew he would support them, although not the ideal situation. 

"Betty's pregnant." Jughead told me. I frowned, unsure of how to react. 
"You're seventeen, Jughead. How do you expect to support a child? Your mom and I could barely cope and we were a year or so older-" I was interrupted from my lecture as Jasmine's hand fell onto my thigh. 
"Your dad's right, it might not be ideal, but we're here for you no matter what. He is going to help you, and I will too." Jasmine was serious, yet still softly spoken. I knew Jug would appreciate her words more than she'd know. She always had the right thought, and said the right words. I nodded in agreement, smiling to her and then my son. Jasmine had just stopped me from making a mistake. 

I'd gotten to the other end of the school, without a sign of a Gholie. They mustn't have brought her here. I turned around slowly, double taking before leaving. I would find her soon. 


I could hear a bang, as if chains had been dropped above me. Malachai's face dropped, and he turned to a man behind him, placing the syringe down. My side throbbed from the cuts he'd made, and I hung onto the hope that someone had come here to save me. I couldn't hear much of what he was saying, only that they mentioned an unknown person getting off a bike outside. My heart raced as my body was screaming, begging FP hadn't come alone. There was too many Gholies here, he couldn't possibly survive against them. 

Malachai finally turned to face me again, his grin returning. He stepped forward, crouching to my eye level. All of his actions had been theatrical, each step as if a ring leader and the smile of a clown. 
"You've got a visitor, Jasmine!" He exclaimed. I closed my eyes, holding back my tears. 
"It's your beloved. Maybe this means we can put you out of your misery, so he can find you!" 

I didn't doubt Malachai would do that. He'd probably hang me from the rafters and create a fucking haunted house for FP's fears. I clenched my fists, though I barely had the energy to do so. I knew this was it, so close to getting free. If only he'd waited until day, or brought the Serpents with him. The Gholies had weapons, and were melee experts. There was a silence in the room, and I watched as the sick man in front of me looked up to the ceiling, bring his index finger up to point to it. He'd been waiting for a signal of some sort; I knew it. 

Just as I was about to make some sort of weak remark, I heard shrieks and animal-like noises. My eyelids shut, this time tears falling free down my cheeks. I hoped they wouldn't beat him to death, that I'd at least get to see him before I was put down. But from the noise, I wasn't sure I would get to.

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now