Chapter Twenty-Six

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Tears fell graciously down my cheeks. I'd been so thirsty, I'd tried to lick them off, hoping the liquid would help quench my growing need for water. FP was opposite me in a chair, head bowed, blood pooling on his thighs. I couldn't tell if he was awake or not, but for his sake I prayed he was asleep. 

I wasn't sure on the day, but I knew FP had been here for a while. His clothes were wet with sweat, as mine had been, and my skin grew itchy and sore as it had been so long since my last shower. I dreaded to think about how I looked, or smelled. For the first few days I could smell myself, covered with sweat and body fluids, however now I couldn't sense much. My body was shutting down, and I was glad of it. I just wanted to give up. Slowly, I moved around in my seat, my arms still behind me had started to go numb. I knew I'd need to go to the hospital quickly if we'd ever managed to escape. FP started moving, his head rising to face me. I smiled at him, though I wasn't sure if I'd looked how I'd intended as my face was numb. I knew Malachai was cutting it, but no clue how deep they were, or how many. All I knew was there was at least one slash along my cheek, as I'd seen it in the reflection of the scalpel. 

"I love you." I whispered to him, trying my best to look as if I were happy. I needed him to get through this, and I knew he wouldn't if he could see how much pain I was in. 
"You were my first actual love, you know?" I told him. His face remained emotionless, yet I felt a need to continue. To raise morale. 
"I need you to stay strong, because you'll get out of here safely. I know you will." I continued, unsure of where exactly I was going with this. 
"If I get out, you're coming with me." Finally, he spoke. I nodded, though I knew I wouldn't be able to walk. The muscle in my legs had deteriorated, and I was starting to lose feeling. I felt like I was rotting from the inside out. I'd guessed that what the Gholies wanted. I'd never met someone as brutal and careless as Malachai. He was clearly sadistic. I imagined the thought of me here excited him, made him feel some sort of pride. 

"Loverbirds." Malachai's laughter and obnoxious voice rung in my ears. I hadn't heard him enter the room, which made me wonder if I'd been dreaming. 
"I have this potion." He held up a syringe filled with blue liquid, stepping toward me. "I want you to flip a coin, Forsythe. Heads, your girl gets this injected into her bloodstream. Tails, she doesn't."He laughed, pulling out a silver dollar from his pocket, handing it to FP. His hands were tied to the rests on the chair, which meant he had very restricted movements. 
"You sick fuck, I'm not playing your games. Let her go." FP shouted. I was surprised he had so much resistance left in him, if I'd been asked to do it, I would have. I just wanted to leave my body, and go to whatever afterlife, or nothingness there had been waiting for me. I couldn't tell if I'd been crying anymore, or if my vision was blurry from the lack of energy my body had. I was scared.
Malachai pushed a small amount of the liquid out of the syringe, moving my greasy hair away from my neck.
"Well, if you don't I'll decide for you." The needle was pushed into my neck, my body jolting at the sharpness.
"No!" FP shouted, and I could feel Malachai pressed against the back of my chair, the vibrations of his laugher on my back. My partner trembled, silently flipping the coin.  


His eyes widened, and he started moving rapidly in the chair, screaming, grunting. A few Gholies rushed into the room, holding him down. 
This was it. 
Malachai's hand was back to my neck, and he placed a kiss on the top of my head. 
"I love you, FP." I said, through sobs. He was in shock, murmuring, rocking. But I was ready. I wanted to escape this painful reality. It hurt me that I'd had to do this just for peace, and that mine and FP's time together had to be cut short like this. Though, I knew he'd be happier with someone his own age. Perhaps he'd have more children, or maybe he'd escape all of this just to drink himself to death. I hadn't known how strongly he felt toward me, but I hoped he'd have some sort of grievance when I died. I think we all wish that, secretly. Would anyone miss me?

There was a few bangs upstairs, almost like gunshots. The two Gholies holding down FP let go of him, running to the door and leaving, as Malachai pulled the needle out of my neck and followed them. Exhaling loudly, I wasn't sure if I'd been thankful or not. In the end, they were just prolonging my suffering instead of giving me the release I so desperately needed. As soon as he returned, I knew I would be murdered. Although it hadn't been specified, I'd guessed there had been poison in the syringe. Hopefully it wouldn't take it's time killing me. 

"We found them!" A familiar voice came from the doorway. I looked over to see a figure running toward me, and untying my hands. They'd been the only things keeping my back to the chair, so as soon as the rope had been cut, I fell forward, face down onto the floor. Arms were wrapped around my body for the first time in weeks, turning me over. My vision hadn't been great, but I could make out brown hair, and bright eyes. Jughead. I had to be dreaming. There's no way he'd have found us. Though the more I thought about it, I wondered how FP had. Maybe he'd known where I'd been all this time too.

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now