13: I Miss My Blaster

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I feel myself drifting as he shakes his masked head at me.

I sneer at him.

"Alexi? Are you in the Jumper?"

Yeah. I'm in the Jumper.

"Good. Listen, you're going to be jumped to an abandoned building like the one you were in earlier, but do not wander. Get to the exit, and I'll meet you there."

Are you not concerned there's a killer in here with me?

He ignores me and continues.

"We're going back to the hotel. Understand? There are more threats out here than we anticipated, and they're all after you-"

Lukas' voice erupts into static and chunks of words.


Static answers me. I glare at the man in all black as the light continues to beam and blind me.

I narrow my eyes in the ever-brightening lights and search for the drone that seems to always be with him. It's not here.

Without my glasses it is actually painful to keep my eyes open in this.

My ears ring as the roar of pure energy swarms around us.

And then there is silence.

My bare feet hit the metal floor of wherever we had jumped to, and I put my hand up to shield my eyes from the vicious attack of bright light.

A gloved hand grabs my shoulder and I flinch back, but the grip is strong. I see the outline of a hand fiddling with a utility belt.

I pull back as fast as I can.

Oh no no no no! Don't you shoot me!

He pulls something off of it and grabs my arm again and pulls me back over.

He shoves something onto my face, and I can see.

I stumble until my back meets the Jumper's wall. The visor adjusts to the intense lights just like my previous glasses, and I feel ear plugs insert themselves.

My breathing slows, and I realize that the man hasn't actually done anything to hurt me.

I look up at him. He has a good 5 inches on me, and I know I am pretty tall. I narrow my newly shielded eyes.

"Who are you?"

He turns his head a little bit towards me.

"That doesn't matter," his fake intimidating voice responds. I shake my head.

Of course it matters!

"Why were you going to take me?"


"It's not confidential to me if it's about me."

"Yes it is."

"Where were you going to take me?"


"What was the aberration? Why am I 'different'?"


With each question I inch forward until my, well, his visor, is only a few inches from his blacked out mask/helmet.

I slowly move my hand until it is hovering just above his utility belt.

His holster.

I grip the weapon's handle and yank, taking 5 rapid steps backward just after the familiar click sounds.

The Jumper is not very large, so there isn't much distance I can put between us. I point it at his chest grit my teeth.

"Who. Are. You?"

No reply. He just looks at me.

Then, before I even realize what is happening, he grabs the barrel of the weapon with his left hand at the same time he shoves my hand off of the handle with his right.

His hand flew out and pushes me against the glass of the Jumper. He holds me there for a moment before he drops his arm and his helmet angled downward to his hand that now held the blaster.

He then went on and twirled the weapon on his finger.

I just stare at him.

I am dumbfounded, and I can't see his expression which makes me even more unsure of how to continue.

Oh man, I miss my blaster...

"Type in the authorization code. If you let me out of here, I'll tell you what you want to know," his deep automated voice bargains.

I huff, but turn and type in the code. Before I can press the "Open" button, he presses another object into my hand.

I lift my left hand and see what it is. It was my very own oxygen purification mask, and it isn't even scathed.

I look at the familiar object and my lips curve up a little.

I don't even bother wondering how he got it.

"Not like you'll need it, but I fingiré you might want it," he says.

I shoot him a look of confusion, and before I ask about what he means my finger is over the button.

I just want to know why the hell he is so interested in keeping me alive as I put my mask on.

I push "Open" and expose us to the intensely lit room that resembles the place I was sedated in two days ago.


Hiiii!!!! Sooo, why do you think she's so important? Who is this guy? Where is Lukas?!
PS... 89 reads!!!!!
Thank you alllll for reading!!!

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