chapter no 8: "Breaking you until you bleed."

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I offered my Fajar prayer. "Ya Allah. Guide me. I don't know what to do?" A tear made its way down from my crystal blue eyes. "No matter how much I try to be strong but I can't. I keep on re-remembering th-that day." A new sets of tears struggled it's way down to my cheeks.

"I don't want to cr-cry any more." I wiped my tears. "They were your creation and they belonged to you and you took them. right?" I straightened up my posture again. "So, what's the use of crying. I have lost...." I sighed. I hated myself for crying, I have began to hate my every tear. " I have lost my family. But I gain stronger trust on you. My creator." I smiled softly. At least I tried.

"Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raji'un Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return" I repeated over and over again.

"My creator how loves me the most."
I smiled from ear to ear.

I didn't know much knowledge about Islam. So, I am taking Friday lesson in masjid and It's amazing. The more I learn about it, the more I praise it.


"One more boring annoying and....and....dirty day in college." Caroline pretended to puke. Fatima and I chuckled on childish behaviour of Caroline.

"Why do you hate college so much?" Fatima asked curiously "Like I also doesn't like coming everyday at college and living a robotic life. But still."

"Yeah. Your strong hatred feeling toward college is way too..... peculiar"

She poked my arm" Trust me, college hates me more" We burst out giggling.

"Why aren't you going to your class Fatima." Caroline asked. I was going to ask it too. She should be on her way now.

"Cause....I...I am skipping my class and I am going to spend a day with Ms. Surprisingly Hilarious and Ms. Wicked." Fatima said lifting her hands up as she said our names.

"Yeah. Like that's gonna happen. Ms. Nerdy too Goody shoes. Will skip a class." Caroline scoffed.

"Never" I raised my one hand in agreement. "When that will happen I will jump off a cliff." Caroline said with sarcasm dripping from her words.

Fatima flinched my forehead. "Aren't you going to say something in my favour."

I rubbed my forehead. "that hurts... and Nah she is right. And you are a bad excuse maker."

"Okay.." she raised her hands in surrender. "My next class is same as yours." She said with Unusual zeal.

"Wow that will be fabulous." Caroline squirm in excitement. "You both go ahead. I have to take something for my locker." I ranked my mind to remember what book I need.

Caroline shrugged. "We can come with you. In case if Damon...." Fatima was going to continue but I interfered. "No my knights. I shall be okay." I said dramatically.


I picked my notes from my locker when I heard Kyle "Look there she is." I turned around and I was about to leave, when Damon, Kyle,Alex came in on front of me. I felt my stomach twist, an unusual feeling began to arouse.

Damon alway had his smirk plastered on his face. He gazed at me like a predator looking at his prey.

I tried to pass them but then as I expected they blocked my way. I moved back to give some space between me and Damon.

He tweaked my notes and threw them  on the creamy titles of the floor, the papers scattered across the floor. I felt a twitch of annoyance, I had to pick them up. I had bored expression on my face. I tried to mask every emotion.

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