48: Losing (part 2 )

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Kyle groaned, pulling his bleached white covers, tugging them over his eyes, a menical ache in his shoulder.


Hard edged surface hiting his angled elbow, pages flipping, book shuffling shut, falling on the floor with a huff,


Kyle felt the heavy book wobble,     on his legs, before he kicked it down, in the pile of five volume.


An unintentional chuckle rattled his words "Go get me a drink,"

"No!" Kyle ferociously buried his face under the soft fabric, just to make his point crystal clear.

The movement stilled, air tranquil, kyle almost thought like the little commotion they had was an illusionary swindle, only if kyle didn't have mite of searing, slightly swollen skin,

Kyle heaved in relief, the one thing he didn't wanted in a novice Saturday morning, was an exhausting walk to the market.

The morning slumber till noon was the sweetest thing, kyle had ever had in his life, like a medley of rose, honey and blood, sleep coaxed it's way in, his head lightened as he began dazzling, fading from reality into--


He coughed, hunching shoulders, expelling the air out of his lungs,
His stomach tissues crumbled under the weight of hardback,

He sat up, glaring at his culprit, the book innocently in the act flipped off his stomach, nestling in his lap, he flung the hardback off his bed, without taking his eyes off from his abuser.

"Damien," his thick peevish voice accused him,

Damien knight was stooped over his bed, and was more than happy to shrug his shoulder, rather than a decent reply,

Feeling dignant, Kyle's facial muscles harden, he scowled, a sullen look on his face, lips pursed, he was ready to burst.

Damien smipered, a silly tug to his lips, unaffected by the other boy's leering, "you owe me a drink," his tune held a ting of mischievousness.

Kyle deflated, slagging his square shoulders, grumbling curses under his breath,

"I'm never letting you do my damn work again," he slipped off his covers, pulling a random shirt over his head, muttering phrases of "I thought it was a favour, " and "you trickster," under his breath, tieing his snickers, he stood up, ready to go

Only to topple over the piles of volumes, the mighty fall was saved by his reflexes, still his knee burned from the burden of his weight, 

Damien hurled a bubbly laugh, which resonanced from the pith of his stomach, 

"and you said Alex is immature!"

Kyle craned his neck to give him a nasty glance, before geting up from his crouched position.

"Damn teenagers." Kyle sneered, shutting the door and blocking the irritating sound of his harsh cackle.


Damien did get excited like teenage on porm, when the door of his dorm clicked open, but what he saw was unnerving, 

"Where is my drink, Man?" His enthusiasm washed away, when he saw empth hands.

Kyle smiled a devilish and smug smile which morphed into a full grin, standing on the threshold, not stepping in,

Damien gritted his teeth, "What!" He said, getting up from his relaxed position. 

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