43: Wounded

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Damien anxiously for the fifth time in a minute, clicked on Aleena's contact, only for him to gaze at the white blank screen,

His heart stirred, mystical pain shoot in his chest, he was  tempted to scowl down at his heart, but it would seem wired,  so he restrained. 

Instead, he vigorously banged his thumb over the mini keyboard, scribbling up long nonsense sentence, his thumb swiftly stricked every alphabet but never tabbed over the send icon.

She said she will message.

Damien huffed, his restlessness annoyed him to end that he prayed, he had never met Mavi, and stayed in ignorance, the drakness of loneliness now seemed much more alluring, then the dim light, which would flicker off any moment.


Damien cursed Aleena as he turned off his phone. He knew she was doing it on purpose, toying with him, she knew how much Damien needed her.

"Jim said he is in his office, we have our Men set, they would alert us when he leaves." Kyle kept on rumbling, by his well composed behaviour and grave seriousness in his tone; no one could even guess that behind his mask he was trembling.

"And we are all set, as soon as he steps in our realm, we have one hour till his security comes rushing in,--" Alex, himself was way too brisk today, his words carried a wave of maturity, a sense of convince in his words.

"And that's enough time," kyle nodded on his own words,

They all were trying so hard not to get chocked on the tension that densely loomed in air,

The day was very crucial for all of them, who were, bounded by the chains, held down and oppressed, being unleashed, have been their dream, to live a life beyond the wall of fear and dread.

From Thomas, Elijah's left hand to Nick; common illegal fighter, who was abducted from life, like every other people working under Elijah's thumb, everyone wanted freedom, not a change in their master but to be liberal.

"Why you guys being like that?" Damien spoke with such calmness, that even to some extend shocked him.

"Damien." Kyle begun, nervousness seeping in his words, his mask slowly cracking up "aren't we risking too much?"

"Well, it's no time to back off," Damien like everyone else wanted this day to be over, so he could return back to his Mavi.

"Do you look at that man," Damien pointed at the man, who was quietly lingering at end of the ring, where opponents were frantically fighting. His body was ridge, waiting for any call; stress also clouded his face.

"Yeah, that's John; what about him?" Alex questioned, fishing out a cigarette from his pocket. 

"He lost his family last year, he is more than willing to kill himself to take him down." Next Damien pointed at the young looking guy, standing in a crowd of five people, his hand rested on his pocket, which surely held weapon.

"That's Nick," kyle said, "I have heard about him, his sister got into drugs or something, he worked to pay the dealers, but then Elijah got his sister killed."

"I wonder why" Alex was about to light up his cigarette, when kyle snatched it,

"No distraction."

Alex huffed, and Damien quickly left their company to analysis the hall,

There was an outrage of people near the ring, who were madly cheering.

In the mass of half drunk people and half mad people, a row never became a major concern.

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