come with me?

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"Good grief."

I looked up from my desk to meet the eyes of my deadpanned classmate. I smile devilishly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I covered the paper in front of me with my arms.

"You know, the homework isn't due until tomorrow," He said, his voice flat and blunt. "There's no reason for you to scribble violently on it, you have plenty of time."

"And why do you care?" I teased, attempting to get a reaction out of him.

He hums after a brief moment of silence. "I'm wondering why, too."

I chuckled, "I'm just playing with you, am I bothering you at all?"

"Yeah, actually, I'm tired of hearing your pencil squeak every time I'm in my thoughts."

I snort, "Alright, you got me there."

"Also, can you sit near me during lunch?"

I choked up at his strange request. "You want me to what?"

"Sit near me, you heard me the first time." His voice getting more monotonous every second he speaks.




PK Academy's Annual Spring Dance! Buy tickets at the headmaster's office!

The bolded letters danced across the poster, catching my eye.

How sweet. I knew in my gut that nobody would ask you to be their date for the dance, so why bother?

I huffed before turning your heel over to the direction of where your psychic friend was.

"Saiki!" I called to catch his attention after I spotted him amongst the crowd other students.

No response from him as expected, but I've noticed his usual friend group sitting by him, chattering among each other.

Sweet, new friends.

I paced briskly to their table, noticing his friend group became fixed on my presence. They froze, giving each other side eyes and briefly glancing at Saiki before they started giggling.

"Shut your stupid face up." I overheard their sneaky exchanges among their fit of giggles.

"Hey, pal," Nendou greeted me with a friendly pat on the back. "Wanna get some ramen with us later?"

"Hey, (Y/N)," A purple headed student patted a seat right next to him. "Sit down over here."

The school's chuunibyou exclaimed, "I think she should sit with Sai-"

The other boy nudged him harshly, making Kaidou hiss in pain.

"(Y/N)? Seriously?" Toritsuka chuckled. "Saiki, I thought you were going to pick Teruhashi or something."

"You're so stupid." Kuboyasu talked to the medium in a harsh tone, immediately hushing him up.

"What's the plan, everyone?" I sat down opposite to where the psychic boy was sitting.

"So Saiki wanted me to say-"

"(Y/N)!" Hairo ran over to my side, alarming everyone at the table. He stood there trying to regain his breath.

"There's something I need to ask you." He glanced up to see everyone else fixed on him.

"Nope, nope, no way," Kuboyasu butted in harshly, standing up to only push him away. "She's not interested."

"Hey! I just need to ask her a quick favor!" Hairo bellowed. Everyone froze, except for me reaching to grab my drink.

"What?" I gave him a puzzled look. "He was going to ask me something!"

The trio ignored me. "She doesn't need anyone else to talk to right now, she's not feeling well." Jet-Black Wings lied.

"Yeah, uh, she isn't available to talk to at the moment," The purple-headed medium glanced at me, then at Saiki. "They're in the middle of something right now." He winked at us cheekily.

I stood immediately and reached over to grab his collar. "Why, you little brat-"

Kaidou abruptly stopped me from doing so. "He's just kidding, don't take him too seriously."

The medium stared coldly at him, intimidating him. "Okay, maybe not but let's not get too carried away from ourselves, yeah?" He gulped.

"We won't let her talk to you," Aren spoke in a dangerously low tone. "Get lost, Hairo."

"Aren!" I panicked, "I'm so sorry on everyone's behalf, what do you need me for?"

Nendou groaned, "Just leave her alone, will you?". He shifted on the bench to have a more comfortable stare down with the athlete. "She already has Saiki as a date to the dance. Just ask Teruhashi to go with you over there." He pointed at her at the other table, swarmed by hundreds of other boys.

The psychic stiffened.

"What an idiot."

"Saiki was supposed to ask her to the dance, you just ruined it for him, you oaf!" Toritsuka scolded, followed by a heavy groan from Kuboyasu.

"Oh, he was?" Nendou turned to look at Saiki to mouth a sorry to him, only to be returned with a harsh gaze.

"We discussed this over 3 times, you dumb pig!" Kaidou buried his head in his hands in secondhand embarrassment.

"Dumb pig, what about you Jet-Black brain?" Nendou bickered, the whole table roared in laughter, Hairo still stood there dumbfoundedly.

"That's enough." The psychic finally spoke up, momentarily silencing the group.

"So this is why you wanted me to sit next to you today." I smiled softly at him.

"Yes, and I also bought the tickets earlier if you still want to come with me." He stared at me with hopeful eyes, the first time I've ever seen him convey any sort of emotion.

"Of course, Kusuo," My smile grew wider. "I would love to come with you."


The table bursted back into life, the group squealed with excitement and everyone congratulating the both of you like a newlywed couple on their big day. In a fit of wheezes and giggles from the group, Hairo still stood there with a puzzled look on his face.

"I was only asking if (Y/N) knows where the new P.E. uniforms are.." He muttered to himself.

For the first time, Saiki's heart was racing at the sight of (Y/N).

"What a pain," He shrugged, momentarily glancing at his friends celebrating then reverting back to his date, admiring her.

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