nice to meet you

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"Our transfer student will arrive shortly. Please be courteous to them when they're here. Remember to treat them with respect." The instructor informed us.

The class broke out into murmurs.

"How do you know if it's a he?"
"Sounds like one."
"No, definitely a she!"
"I heard that it's a dude."
"Hopefully he's hot."

'Good grief, how many transfer students did we have this year?' I sat spiritlessly, clearly resenting the idea of another transfer student coming into our classroom. We already have more than enough students in this class already. 

"Hey pal," The dull and idiotic student called out to me. "Do you have any idea on who this mystery kid is?" Nendou asked.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Hopefully she's a she," Toritsuka chimed in. "That would be amazing." He sighed dreamily.

"You're not even in this class-"

"What if it was a he? I don't really care, as long he is fully committed to fight the Dark Reunion." Kaidou shrugged his shoulders.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Kuboyasu with his knees on his chest rocking himself behind his desk. I decided to listen to his thoughts, to gather some information on the situation he's having.

'What if the new student was one of the gang members from my old school? My reputation would be done for sure!' The distressed former delinquent thought frantically.

'What a pain.' I internally laughed at his distress.

"Probably this guy likes ramen." Nendou said.
"Who doesn't?" Kaidou remarked. "I'm serious."

"Everyone loves ramen."
"Didn't say this guy didn't like it." Kaidou was on a roll today.

'Oh dear god.'
"What was that Saiki?" Toritsuka asked.
"Nothing." I said telepathically, not even bothering to move my mouth.

"Alright students," The teacher called out to get our attention. "The student has arrived."—everyone rushed to their seats, while I remained and propped my chin on my hand—"smile and be polite, here she is."

Of course it's a she.

Our new classmate emerged from behind our teacher's back. I heard several gasps. Toritsuka's was the loudest, no surprise there. Why is he still in this class?

'She's so cute!'
'Are you kidding me? She is actually pretty. Huh, at least she's nowhere near my beauty! No one is as perfect as me.'

Everyone's thoughts swarmed together inside my head.

I'd hate to admit, the new student is actually not bad. 

"Good morning, everyone. I'm (L/N) (Y/N), it's nice to meet you all." She bowed with grace.

I watched with great interest as she glanced around the classroom with different looks on her faces when she looked at every single one of us. I suddenly wondered why I cared.

Then realization hit me, I can't read her thoughts. I groaned, hopefully she isn't like Nendou. I resented the thought of her being like that big oaf.

Everyone started to introduce themselves to the newbie, eventually they talking about how nice or pretty she is. I swear I saw Teruhashi twitch her left eye.

"Hi (L/N)-san!" Teruhashi walked up to the front where Haruka stood. "I'm Teruhashi! Pleased to meet you."

"Hello, Teruhashi." Her smile was a little faint. "But please, just call me by my first name." Teruhashi was taken aback.

'Why isn't she gushing over me?! Doesn't she know where her place is?!'

"W-well then, um." Kokomi tried to keep her cool. "I'll see you around later, right?"


'Good grief, seems like Teruhashi has competition.'




All of us walked outside into the courtyard to find (L/N) sitting down on the bench by herself.

"Hey newbie," The five of us walked up to her.
She looked up from whatever she was reading, I widened my eyes when I realized she was reading a new volume from a series I was reading also.

"Oh, hello." She placed her book on her lap and shifted all of her attention on us.

"I'm Toritsuka, and these are my friends." He referred to us. What friends?

"I'm Kaidou, but call me Jet-Black Wings," He pushed Toritsuka out of the way, and turned to face us.

"It is my duty to protect damsels and others from the Dark Reunion and I will do anything to fight and free everyone." He turned around to face her. "I swear on my life I will have you stay out of harm's way," He took her hand, and she blushed like crazy. She pulled away reluctantly.

What even was that?

"HI I'M KUBOYASU AREN." Kuboyasu yelled obnoxiously to her, her expression remained.

"I totally wasn't a delinquent before I came here, I don't know how to ride bikes, and I don't have a bike license, and I wasn't close to the gang leader at my old school—"

"Brand new start, huh?" She smiled gently at him. He nodded scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Don't worry about your past. Focus on your future and you'll be fine." She continued.

"Wow, uh, thank you."
"Pleasure's all mine."

"Hey pal," Nendou kicked in. "Wanna get some ramen after school? All of us are coming!" He asked, the others nodding in agreement to know the girl a little more.

"Of course." She smiled cheekily.
"Oh! We forgot one more person!"

Please no-
"This is Saiki, he's my buddy." Nendou wrapped his arms around my neck. Nowhere near buddies.

"Hello Saiki-kun." She waved at me.
Toritsuka nudged me with his elbow to say something.

"Hi (L/N)-san." I choked out telepathically.
"Please, call me (Y/N)," She stared into my eyes. "And nice to meet you."

I ignored her and stepped back to revert the attention back to the rest of the group, but her eyes never left mine. I looked in another direction to avoid her gaze, why can't she look at somebody else? How bothersome.

Her eyes look strangely familiar.

It wasn't long until a little voice popped into my head, as if someone was-

"Saiki, I finally found you."

My eyes widened as I realized that little voice belonged to her.

I broke into a sweat.

"Who are you?"

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